India /
Tripura /
Dharmanagar /
/ India
/ Tripura
/ Dharmanagar

Zerjheri is a village in the Patharkandi sub district/tehsil/taluk, Karimganj district, in the state of Assam.
The population in Zerjheri village is 3,034 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 537 House Holds in Zerjheri.
There are 1,598 males (53%); There are 1,436 females (47%).
Scheduled Cast are 43 (1%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 0 (0% ).
The population in Zerjheri village is 3,034 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 537 House Holds in Zerjheri.
There are 1,598 males (53%); There are 1,436 females (47%).
Scheduled Cast are 43 (1%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 0 (0% ).
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 24°24'30"N 92°20'25"E
- kotamoni bazar , karimjong dist 3.5 km
- Ishabeel tea estate 3.9 km
- bazarichara bazar, makunda, dist- karimjong 4 km
- sobiri and jukicherra vilage J R halam 5.9 km
- Lowairpoa 7.1 km
- pecherght 8.8 km
- Koyah Tea Estate 14 km
- Krishnanagar 14 km
- Dullabcherra 15 km
- Bidyanagar, T.E. 17 km
- Kotamoni Bazar 3.5 km
- Bazaricherra Bazar 3.9 km
- Lowairpoa Market 7 km
- M E School 11 km
- Solgoi High School 11 km
- Iron Bridge 11 km
- Dullabcherra Railway Station 13 km
- Radha Pyaree Bazar 13 km
- Factory and Godown 13 km
- Tripura 90 km