
India / Maharashtra / Katol /
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Some information about Dongargaon Village .
Dongargaon is a Small village in the tehasil / Taluka of Katol in Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 Dongargaon village of Tehsil / Taluka Katol in Nagpur district has 162 households and Total Population of 715. Of this , male population is 386 and female Population is 329 . Population figures are taken from census documents .Dongargaon village has not been allotted an independent Postal PIN code number. Postal pin code for Dongargaon is 441108 shared with 11 other villages under one Branch Post Office .
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Coordinates:   21°18'33"N   78°36'14"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago