Chargon .
India /
Maharashtra /
Mohpa /
/ India
/ Maharashtra
/ Mohpa
World / India / Maharashtra / Nagpur
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Some information about Chargaon Village .
Chargaon is a Small village in the tehasil / Taluka of Katol in Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 Chargaon village of Tehsil / Taluka Katol in Nagpur district has 138 households and Total Population of 661 , Of this , male population is 338 and female Population is 323 . Population figures are taken from census documents .Chargaon village has not been allotted an independent Postal PIN code number.
this village won the first prize in Nagpur district. under Sant Gadge Baba Gram-Swchata Abhiyan.
Chargaon is a Small village in the tehasil / Taluka of Katol in Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 Chargaon village of Tehsil / Taluka Katol in Nagpur district has 138 households and Total Population of 661 , Of this , male population is 338 and female Population is 323 . Population figures are taken from census documents .Chargaon village has not been allotted an independent Postal PIN code number.
this village won the first prize in Nagpur district. under Sant Gadge Baba Gram-Swchata Abhiyan.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 21°15'52"N 78°44'59"E
- Ghorad 46 km
- Rohana 64 km
- Salod 66 km
- Jalgaon village in Wardha dist. 69 km
- Gunjakheda 71 km
- Durgawada 73 km
- Anjansingi 74 km
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- Deoli 74 km
- Chandrabhaga Dam and Reservoir. 1.2 km
- Chandrabhaga jalashay 5.7 km
- Kalmeshwar Taluka 9 km
- farm house site 11 km
- Solar Explosive Ltd Chakdoh 14 km
- Katol Taluka 15 km
- vegetable oil extraction plant 500 tpd 17 km
- teacher colony 19 km
- Hingna Taluka 32 km