KLE College of Engineering and Technology (Belagavi)

India / Karnataka / Belgaum / Belagavi
 college of technology / polytechnics, college of engineering
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Coordinates:   15°49'11"N   74°29'52"E


  • This is the college where I got My bachelors Degree :-)
  • This is the place I lost my mind, at that time I felt normal here because I didn't realise that my friends has lost their mind too...I was in good company...I learnt here that people can be good or downright evil . People like profs,students and admin staff . K.L.E college of Engg and tech,Belgaum.. is NOT the worst place on this planet....but given a choice, it definitely is NOT the place you would want be around too long.
  • One of the worst schools. People like GP Kadam(sold question papers, SB Kulkarni, H. P. Rajani, U. L. Naik, etc. will ruin your life for ever. There were few more lecturers (by the way they call themselves Professors!!)..looks like they have got real jobs and left this primary school.
  • Juicy Story from KLE History Pages. In 1993-94 one of the E&C professors by name Shri.Gajanan P Kadam sold PIT (Probability and Information Theory) Question paper for Rs.1000 per head. It was a classic situation. He made all the students to go to one of the local school (M.V. Herwadkar High School)near RPD and dictated the question paper and later collected the money. Many students as celever they are turned around and sold it to as many students in other colleges as possible. KLE Management has not taken any action yet!!. May be one of the reasons why he is not promoted as HOD. I have Marked the Classroom where he dictated the Question Paper. Search For "M.V. Herwadkar High School" and see it for your self. www.wikimapia.org/#y=15832797&x=74500844&z=18&l=0&m=a Contact Shri.Gajanan P Kadam at E&C Department for furthur details.
  • its a good college
  • Mr. PRABHU SHETTY is the best teacher in KLE college. Many Juicy stories are there in his personal life as well. KLE girls were so much scared of him. In the year 1996-97 there was a serious incident which took place in Mr.Prabhu Shetty's cabin when he called one of the girls in his cabin and later in his house. Prabhu Shetty is the Prabhu like Mr. Nityanand prabhu.
  • we had principal pilli....he was the most waste fellow you will ever find....most boring man...never used allow any thing....from sports event to cultural event....a super waste principal....
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This article was last modified 13 years ago