Karanji Road
India /
Maharashtra /
Pandhakarwada /
/ India
/ Maharashtra
/ Pandhakarwada
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( If there is a Karanji Road , There should be a Karanji as well . Yavatmal district has THREE villages by name the Karanji + ONE by name Karanji Road. The three Karanji's are in Mahagaon , Umerkhed and Ralegaon Talukas respectively . By location this feature must be Karanji Road and also represent Karanji.).
Some information about village Karanji Road.
Karanji Road is a Small village in the tehsil / Taluka of Kelapur in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 village Karanji Road of Tehsil / Taluka Kelapur in the Yavatmal district has 809 households and Total Population of 3617 Of this , male population is 1848 and female Population is 1769. Postal PIN code for Branch Post Office / Sub Post Office of Karanji is 445302 Shared with 16 other villages under one Head Post Office.
Some information about village Karanji Road.
Karanji Road is a Small village in the tehsil / Taluka of Kelapur in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 village Karanji Road of Tehsil / Taluka Kelapur in the Yavatmal district has 809 households and Total Population of 3617 Of this , male population is 1848 and female Population is 1769. Postal PIN code for Branch Post Office / Sub Post Office of Karanji is 445302 Shared with 16 other villages under one Head Post Office.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 20°8'9"N 78°37'7"E
- Kelapur 18 km
- Saykheda (Old) 18 km
- Mohda 19 km
- Pahapal 20 km
- Jodmoha 40 km
- Kalamb 47 km
- Telagaon 53 km
- Moha 60 km
- Lohara 63 km
- Wai dam Spillway. 5.9 km
- Wai Reservoir 6.4 km
- Muchi Reservoir 10 km
- Khandani Reservoir 12 km
- Maisdodak Reservoir. 15 km
- Nawargaon Reservoir. 16 km
- Rahil 17 km
- Pendry Dam 18 km
- pachpohar reservoir 18 km
- Shilba Lake 19 km