Bayan Subdivision (Polomolok)

Philippines / Southern Mindanao / Polomolok
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Coordinates:   6°12'56"N   125°3'31"E


  • This is my place infront of subdivision plaza and Juan Bayan elementary school
  • i want to know more bout your place..can you help me to find friend there,,
  • seems like your busy??just hoping you can help me to have a comunication with my friend living der..RUBIO family...tnx
  • chona mae relunio mahal pa rin kita , ryan
  • had great memories here as pioneer of Bayan subd., our house close to ice plant before. What a progressive Polomolok now!!!
  • Ara pa bala dira ang iceplant sadto? or manggahan sa likod sang Bayan Subd.? We had fun having picnics and camping there in early 70's. Will visit the place sometime soon and checkout our neighbors decades ago. Hoping Bayan Subd. is quite developed with lots of improvements now. How I wish...
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This article was last modified 18 years ago