Central Building Research Instiute ,Roorkee (Roorkee)

India / Uttaranchal / Rurki / Roorkee / CBRI Shantinagar Roorkee
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The Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India, has been vested with the responsibility of generating, cultivating and promoting building science and technology in the service of the country.

Since it’s inception in 1947, the Institute has been assisting the building construction and building material industries in finding timely, appropriate and economical solutions to the problems of materials, rural and urban housing, energy conservation, efficiency, fire hazards, structural and foundation problems and disaster mitigation.

The Institute maintains linkages with international bodies like CIB, Netherlands; TWAS, Italy; BRE, U.K.; ASTM, U.S.A.; CSIRO, Australia; RILEM, France; BRS, Canada and UNCHS, Nairobi, Kenya.

At the national level, the Institute has close interaction with BMTPC, HUDCO, DST, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Rural Areas, Housing Boards and Societies of the State Governments, engineering and academic institutions, construction and building material industries.
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Coordinates:   29°51'44"N   77°54'13"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago