Vihigoan (Vihigav)

India / Maharashtra / Igatpuri /
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Village Vihigon, Tal Shahapur Dist Thane, Having population 900 to 1200,
The Grampanchayat is made by including 12 pade's(section's), Mainly Telam pada, Rajwada chinchwadi, Vihigoan Gavatha, Nirgud wadi, Khalachi Wadi.
On the Eastern part of village we have N.H. no.03, on North River Vaitarna and on West n South Part we have Hill's
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   19°42'36"N   73°28'39"E


  • Mention needs to be made of the excellent Waterfall nearby.
This article was last modified 13 years ago