Vidin Gate (Belgrade)

Serbia and Montenegro / Central Serbia / Borca / Belgrade
 gate, invisible

The gate originates from the eighteenth century. The first gate was built by the Austrians as a part of defensive system of the northeastern front facing the Danube River, but it was destroyed. At that same place the Turks built today’s Vidin Gate. It got its name after the direction of the road leading to the east, towards Vidin. The gate has four flanking rooms used for the accommodation of guards.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   44°49'37"N   20°27'6"E
  •  12 km
  •  24 km
  •  34 km
  •  91 km
  •  196 km
  •  204 km
  •  242 km
  •  263 km
  •  314 km
  •  508 km
This article was last modified 13 years ago