Alipur Aterna

India / Uttar Pradesh / Burhana /
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This is an small village in Muzaffar Nagar district. It is famous for people having very good behaviour & 4 its cool weather..... people are very clear by heart. So, hey guys come 2 this place & enjoy...Also take waiting 4 wat....come on guyssssssssss..... Major community is of Rawa Rajput. Also muslims, brahmins and tyagi belongs to this village. The major source of income in agriculture. This place is full of greenry and major producer of sugarcane and wheat. Now a sugar mill is established in this village. The literacy rate is very high and the per capita income is very high. This is a prosperous village. It could be heaven if the state government able to provide electricity 24x7
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Coordinates:   29°16'27"N   77°27'40"E


  • wel this place is havving a brick klin called vaibhav and varun brick fields
  • hey it is my ancestral village. Rajneesh Verma
This article was last modified 16 years ago