Puttalam Lagoon

Sri Lanka / Puttalama /
 lagoon, invisible
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Puttalam Lagoon
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Coordinates:   8°5'51"N   79°46'55"E


  • Muslim women Perhaps one of the worst atrocities ever committed against the women was the forcible eviction of almost the entire Muslim community from the Northern Province. The LTTE forced thousands of women and children to flee the Province in October/November 17 years ago as it brazenly engaged in ethnic cleansing. The operation was carried out at gun point. The LTTE robbed them of their valuables including jewellery, seized their property before chasing them away. Almost all of them still languish in makeshift accommodation, mainly in the Puttalam district. Their lives had been ruined. The GBV Forum should explore the possibility of helping them. They deserve every possible help to resume their normal life. Courtesy : The Island
  • Tamils were chased out en masse. Many such uprooted Tamils are in refugee camps in India,Nauru etc right now.because of LTTE
  • no politics in wikimapia
This article was last modified 4 years ago