Boukraa, Morocco

Western Sahara / as-Samarah /

Boukraa, Morocco
Ciudades cercanas:
Coordenadas:   26°10'14"N   12°29'31"W


  • Impresionante, tanto las dragas como la cinta transportadora.
  • Spanioli Lhaze9! wach bghit? wallah ma tab9a fi yammak Ya Lahmar! Nta Sabab fhad chi koulou! Bssah ghadi tkhallass!! warak warak wa zaman tawil! Viva Marruecos!!
  • SAHARA OCCIDENTAL- MARRUECOS- EXPOLIO DE RECURSOS NATURALES -KAOSENLARED: Empresas canarias saquean ilegalmente los recursos del Sahara -FUERTE VENTURA DIGITAL: Western Sahara Resource Watch denuncia que "empresas canarias adquieren ilegalmente arena del Sahara" -AFROL NEWS: Otra naviera renuncia a los fosfatos de Sáhara Occidental
  • Vive R.A.S.D! Vive POLISARIO! Vive Hassani People in Western Sahara and Mauritania! Western Sahara is in the process of being an indpendent country as it is the case of Mauritania and Morocco will recognize R.A.S.D as an independent nation as it recognized Mauritania as an independent nation after a long lasting campaign starting from 1960 to 1975 calling Mauritania as "the southern provinces of moroccan kingdom". The world has become aware of the sense of imperialism of the moroccan regime in Rabat and the game is over, it is time to act pragmatic and look at the world from real angle and not from fiction perspective. Vive the Sahrawi people! There is one hero who is the people! Vive POLISARIO front! The Mauritanian people are behind you!
  •  102 km
  •  136 km
  •  201 km
  •  295 km
  •  332 km
  •  375 km
  •  443 km
  •  459 km
  •  461 km
  •  463 km
Este artículo fue modificado por última vez hace 14 años