IDF Logistic Corps HQ

Israel / Tel Aviv / Ganne Tiqwa /
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Camp Yaakov Dori (Tel HaShomer)

The Israeli Logistics Corps is a support corps in the IDF Technological and Logistics Directorate, which centralizes the logistical activity in the IDF, including the transporting of supplies, shipments of fuel, construction, and transport. Its training base, Bahad 6, is located in Tzrifin and is intended to be moved to the Training Base City in the Negev, whose construction is expected to be complete by 2009. As of July 2005, the Chief Logistics Officer is Brigadier-General Itzik Ben-Tov.

Tasks include maintenance force many areas of activity on the development, handling, delivery and maintenance of military equipment, development, testing and supply of military food, maintenance and testing supplies of fuel.

Also maintenance of Weahidtiym IDF warehouses, construction camps ongoing IDF operation, transport and equipment , laundry, printing jobs of any kind, running gas stations and storage facilities, operation of the IDF's licensing system. Corps is responsible for the logistics of the IDF, and is the highest authority and control issues, raising vehicles, supplies, volunteers, construction, Licensing and driving, food, equipment and fuel. Force logistics allows combat forces to concentrate on the task performed best way, without worrying about what is happening "behind the scenes."

This facility is due to close by the end of 2014 / early 2015 when the functions are due to be transferred to the new Central Training Base, in the Negev Desert : Kiryat Ben-Gurion (IrHaBahadim) instead
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Coordinates:   32°2'36"N   34°51'42"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago