Sek Men Keb Bukit Sawa

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Coordinates:   5°11'21"N   103°5'54"E


  • budok skoloh ni sekor2 macam lembu... skoloh ni banyok melahirkan budak2 jahat,
  • mu tu macam lembu,burit bulu
  • amende ar kutuk skoloh sendiri
  • bdk koloh ni bijak lh
  • sek i sek men bukit sawa ni lah. cikgu dia ok. cuma kalau stupid sebab diri sendiri and parents yang tak ambik i pegawai tinggi kerajaan.. rasa bangga sangat. tq smbs sebab bentuk i jadi yang terbaik
  • i learn 2 be a human here 4 7 years.i got many experiences about real life here. i will never forget my teachers especially when i'm in form 6 (2006/2007)..teacher nor hayati,en shaharudin,puan wan rohani,cikgu man,puan nan faridah,puan fazunaidah,puan rozana,dan yang plg hot:tuan haji ghazali...anda semua amat berharga buat saya...tanpa anda,saya mungkin tidak akn menjejakkan kaki ke uum ini...i love u all!!kegkawan lok,aku juga sayang korang!bg yang bagi komen bodoh2 2, koranglah sebenarnya perosak bangsa dan agama!sedarlah....
  • smbs..used to play soccer here..used to tk bfast, lunch here..used to c students caught while smoking in toilet by cikgu mat ripin here..used to hav primary education frm school nxt to it..used to teach science subject here..used to hav secret admirer here..used to hav an affair ere..but i nvr was the smbs students..even smtims i'd lov to bcoz i most of my frens ws a student here..thank God im not schoolled ere..i might not be the man i am now if i was a student ere
  • cikgu kat smkbs x salah... yg salah student 2 sendiri... jgn hanya nilai dari luaran... ku you all yg kutuk smkbs ni... you all cermin diri dulu... ramai xstudent smkbs dh jadi pendidik,lawywer, lecture, and more than good job... so... klu student yg x brjaya 2 slah diri mereka sndiri coz x dgar nasihat cg... so x perlu lah kita salahkan orang lain.... orait... don,t judge a book by this cover... jgn kerana nila setitik rosak susu sblanga... ok... chayok... smkbs...
  • I'm ex form 6 student (2013-2014) . In my opinion all teacher from form 6 smkba was very sporting. They like 2nd family for me amd my f riends. I got new information about cg ghazali, puan rohani man was get transferred at different school . When i received that NEWS i was like "sobsobsob" i dont think i cant accept that fact but now that already happen and i hope all of my teacher healthy and have a nice day
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This article was last modified 18 years ago