Green Cay Wetlands

USA / Florida / Villages of Oriole / Hagen Ranch Road, 12800
 park, sanctuary, nature conservation park / area, refuge

More than 2 miles of boardwalks in the county’s newest wetlands park, where herons and ibis feed in the shallows. The interpretive center is world-class, created out of the generosity of our chapter members Ted and Trudy Winsburg in working with the county to establish this park out of their pepper farm, preserving green space for wildlife and visitors.
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Coordinates:   26°29'13"N   80°9'38"W


  • Green Cay is an excellent example of what people can do when they put the creative side of their minds to a problem. This park is a stunner. The Green Cay "refuge" has more wildlife than one would ever expect in an urban setting. Stroll down the boardwalk at a leisurely pace and keep your eyes open for turtles, frogs, birds, otters, alligators, snakes, native flowering plants, raccoons, butterflies and bobcats. Good polarizing sunglasses are a help.If you have a pair of binoculars, and birding field guide be sure to bring them.
  • A quiet place to view wildlife of all types, including alligators. The boardwalk is safe enough to allow children and toddlers to walk on, since the railing is tall and narrow enough to prevent falls. Also a very popular spot with photographers, too. The only drawback is that shade is very limited: You will exposed to the sun and heat from March through November, and it's easy to spend 2+ hours here. But it's worth it!
This article was last modified 15 years ago