Sint-Leocollege (Bruges)

Belgium / West-Flandern / Brugge / Bruges / Potterierei, 11
 heritage, boarding school, secondary education
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St. Leocollege (English Seminar (1861-1873)), which was founded by Baron John Sutton, an English convert, who lived in Bruges. Gradually grown college.
Originally, the so-called "St. Leogesticht" (reform school) from the houses Nbs. 9, 10 and 11 with a pleasure garden and rear garden with an orchard.
Between 1901 and 1982, many surrounding buildings were purchased,(re)build or demolished to come to the today's out line of the college and boarding school.

Protected architectural heritage (ID: 83172)
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Coordinates:   51°12'51"N   3°13'47"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago