Cruiser Aurora (Saint Petersburg)

Russia / Sankt Petersburg / Saint Petersburg
 Second World War 1939-1945, First World War 1914-1918, museum ship, October Revolution

The cruiser is permanently located here, statically connected to on-shore communications.

Aurora (Russian: Авро́ра, tr. Avrora; IPA: [ɐˈvrorə]) is a 1900 Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved as a museum ship in St. Petersburg. Aurora was one of three Pallada-class cruisers, built in St. Petersburg for service in the Pacific Far East. All three ships of this class served during the Russo-Japanese War. Aurora survived the Battle of Tsushima and was interned under U.S. protection in the Philippines, eventually returned to the Baltic Fleet. The second ship, Pallada, was sunk by the Japanese at Port Arthur in 1904. The third ship, Diana, was interned in Saigon after the Battle of the Yellow Sea. One of the first incidents of the October Revolution in Russia took place on the cruiser Aurora.

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Coordinates:   59°57'19"N   30°20'16"E


  • Commie propagand ship. Started the revolution, apparently.
  • A VERY geo-political posting there, sam. The Aurora is infamous for firing a cannon shot at the Tsar's Winter Palace signaling the start of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Navy played a major role in the overturning of the Tsarist government. Their part in the revolution would eventually come back to haunt them during the Stalin military purges of the mid-1930's. It has been suggested for year that the Aurora's famed shot, is more myth than reality. It has even been suggested that this is NOT the actual Aurora, but a full-sized replica.
  • This IS original Avrora, but during overhaul in the 1980s, all undersurface part was cut off and replaced with a new one ;-)
  • But to be replaced with a new welded hull according to the original drawings Some of her, the original, was made in England. It is worth going to Spb just to see her.