Former Cedars of Lebanon Hospital Building

USA / California / West Hollywood / Fountain Avenue, 4833
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4833 Fountain Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027

In 1910, Cedars Sinai moved to Whittier Boulevard and then in 1930 to 4833 Fountain Avenue, where it was renamed Cedars of Lebanon.

In 1976, The Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, after having merged with the Westside's Mt. Sinai Hospital, moved out of its building on Fountain Avenue into a new hospital complex near Beverly Hills, becoming Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Today the old Cedars of Lebanon building is now the Church of Scientology.
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Coordinates:   34°5'45"N   118°17'40"W


  • It's funny to know it use to be Sider of all hospitals. This is one of the creepiest building in town. I have it. Great history though.
  • I was born in this building. That makes me proud. :)
  • Born here also.
  • The three stooges filmed here...They called it the "Los Arms Hospital"
  • I used to work there way back in the day. I worked in the labor and delivery unit Celebrity's had their babies there. They would be incognito.
  • I was born there, also! My Dad met Lloyd Bridges there viewing his daughter, Lucinda, who was born on the same day!
  • I was born there August 30, 1968 just after 9 p.m. and am searching for my birth parents... does this ring a bell for any mothers that birthed there that night and gave their baby girl up for adoption?
  • I was born there too and my dad watched the World Series with Tyrone Power while my mother was in labor
  • Wow born there in September 1957. Scientology...weird
  • Hey Lois, Were you there in Autumn 1947? That is when I was born there. ? 2nd floor west corner (left side) ? That is what I heard. Mike
  • Hey Jen, I would be glad to give you some assistance / pointers / hints / clues. I've done a bit of ferretting out some of my hidden relatives. Mike.
  • I'm here to represent the "Born in '74" group! :) Anyone? Anyone?
  • I was also born there, 7/11/1964
  • Well kp I was born there in 7/11/64, so got you beat by 10 years.. Lol..
  • 1955!!!
  • I've got all of you beat. I was born there 01/10/1938.... Scientology? Ugh...
  • Yep, I was born there and I am one of the biggest shit storms to be here on this earth. Figures it would be the church of Scientology after I was born there
  • Born there 4/2/1950 Scientology sucks
  • I was also born there. Mae West birthday no less. Actually it still looks like a hospital. Passing it in five minutes coincidently
  • I was born at Cedars of Lebanon hospital in 1970... I just learned today that I was born in the building where the Church of Scientology is now located.. How creepy!
  • Did you happen to work there in Sept of 1970? I was born and adopted out of that hospital.
  • I was also born there in June of 1970. Very creepy!!!!
  • I was born there on March 15th, 1973
  • I was the last baby born there! Everything had already been moved to Cedar Sinai...My mom was freaking out! March 31, 1976
  • Wow! Kinda cool to know these facts. I was born there January 28, 1976. Now to hear it's home of scientology. Always have been thinking outside the box lol. Tell me more about the last baby?!
  • what year?
  • Aack, I was replying to: Lois (guest) who said: "I used to work there way back in the day. I worked in the labor and delivery unit Celebrity's had their babies there. They would be incognito." What year were you there?
  • I was born there 7/28/1973!!
  • i was also born there 7/11/66 all i know is s. davis. was b mom so i was baby girl davis.i need help!! i can't find her anywhere but located bdad j. speeth 10 yrs ago...he didn't even know he had a daughter..
  • Also born there on Oct 25, 1963. :) Scientology sounds very strange!
  • I was born there 01-16-73 :)
  • 1:02:15 shows the entrance to the hospital, however, the sign on the building says erected in 1929 -not 1930
  • I was born there in 1954, as were my siblings, and we grew up at the other end of the block from Lloyd Bridges in Mar Vista!
  • I worked at the hospital for a few months prior to my enlistment in the military in 1967. It was in the admitting area, and I was a page. Carry luggage, showed people to their rooms. Talked with on of the Cosby boys in an elevator and pushed Anthony Franciosa in a wheel chair.
  • I was born there also, 5/23/56
  • I was born at Ceders of Lebanon in 1955. My dad said he met Curt Douglas there who was there to see his son, Peter, who was born one day before me on Nov 23.
  • I was born there in 1967 and now Church of Scientology that is creepy crazy!!
  • Me too Oct. 1956
  • I was born there September 27, 1947
  • I was born there a 5/25/1975 a perfect bldg for a scientology church n for the ghost adventures to investigate.
  • I was born there in 1973.
  • I was born there on December 27, 1949. Rita Hayworth's daughter, Princess Yasmin, was born in the room next to my mom's on the same date and same time as me
  • My mom was a nurse there and I was born there as well in 1948.
  • I was born there in July 1949.
  • Was Rita Hayworth there at the time too
  • I was born with my face sticking out first from a vagine that wasn't my mother's. It probably wasn't a vagine at all. It probably was actually just a pile of stinky old alewife socks. And when they spanked me, I said "I have five ways to get there" and then passed out. I woke up and the hospital was a cave full of yodelers. And they were yodeling. It was rad. And then Kato Kaitlyn walked in and spoke with my mom's alewife vagine for like 6 or 50 minutes or something. It gave me septicemia so I had to ask for a ticket to the show. Okay. Bye to all you hospitalizers!
  • I was born there april 18th 1962....wonder if theres a way to see which room my mother stayed in.
  • The Hollywood screen actress Anne Shirley gave birth to her daughter, Julie Payne, in this hospital in July 1940. I've read that her husband, John Payne, drove her there. But I think she did not stay in more than a few days.
  • and I was born there on March 25, 1962, and finally just today, now that I'm back in LA, decided to look it up
  • I was born there December 19,1973 @10:36am
  • Was born there April 18th 1962.did u f I ND any information or records?
  • I was born there, too, October 26th 1960 8:43 a.m. Would love to know what room my mom was in but she died in 2001.
  • I was born there in November 1967
  • My youngest son was born there February 25, 1975
  • I was born there on October 6, 1967. So said to see what that beautiful building has become.
  • Looking for person who gave birth Aug 6, 1969
  • I had open heart surgery here in Feb 1962. I was 5 years old and the story of my surgery was cared in the Herald Examiner and the LA Times because of the surgery and my age. I remember my favorite nurse whispered all the time because she had had throat cancer. I remember her and this poor little girl in the ICU who was badly burned by a skillet of Bacon and Grease.
  • Linda (guest) My uncle was a paramedic in the front lines during the D-Day Invasion. After the war, he worked at Cedars of Lebanon as a surgical assistant - assisting the doctors during an operation. In fact, he assisted brother brothers of James Cagney. During the years, he also assisted the doctors in the operating room with Desi Arness, Jane Wyman, George Chakaris, just to name a few. It was great hearing what it was like to work in a huge hospital where famous people go to get well. Thanks to my uncle, I am also a regular patient at Cedars Hospital, where I always receive the best medical care. My daughters go there too! My uncle retired in 1976. He enjoyed his years at Cedars of Lebanon.
  • Just watched some 3 stooges reruns. This building is used as an establishing shot for "Los Arms Hospital"
  • Xeanu opened my volcanic Thetan pod at Cedars Of Lebanon and I became "clear" 12/12/58 @ 3:32AM. Gotta go, I'm late for my 10:00AM audit.
  • I was born at Cedars of Lebanon in 1945 and had operations there in 1951 and 1953. Our oldest son was also bornther in 1968. Sorry to have seen it move to Bevelry HIlls. Steve B
  • March 3, 1973!!! AA
  • I was born there too january 5.1963 @ 156pm. Doctor Jack Gold.
  • January 5.1963 @ 156pm. Doctor Jack Gold
  • Is there anyway i can order a print of the hospital? My dad did his residency there and i was born there in 73. That’d make an awesome gift
  • I was born there on November 1, 1944 @ 8:30 P.M. War Time
  • Robby Krieger of The Doors, and his twin brother Ron were born there on January 8 1946.
  • I was born there as well August 19,1969and adopted... how can we get real records from this hospital do u know? I am at if u ever see this name is Rich Fernand
  • I was born there in October 1967! This thread is so cool!
  • My mom said out if the many babies born that day, I was the only one going home with birth mother! Lots of adoptions!
  • It was the best medical facility in the Greater Los Angeles area! Spent much time there as a kid too. I was born there on 10-10-62...1:09 am
  • I was born there August 15, 1973. I'm curious to see who else was born there on that day
  • I was born there November 1967
  • I was born in Cedars of Lebanon on May 23, 1951 and adopted. I am still searching for my birth mother.
  • I was born there on November 3, 1949 and I am very glad that the building is still standing even though it has become a Church of Scientology.
  • Hi, Steve. I was born there in September 1959, and DID find out who my birth mother was, around 1991 or 1992. But unfortunately, after a few phone calls and letters, she chose to reject me. It's brought a lot of pain into my life. But the way this worked, was that the lawyer who facilitated the adoption kept files on all the adoptions, and when my letter, searching for the birth mother, matched with my half-brother seeking me (he is my birth mother's son from a marriage that came about a few years after my birth -- he's about 6 months younger than me) -- that created a "match" and so my half-brother and I began communicating. I also communicated with my half-sister and my birth mother as well. I met my half-brother and he stayed at my house almost a week. But the relationship with my birth mother quickly went south. I never quite understood why. I hope you have better luck than I do.
  • Any pointers on how to find out who my birth parents are? I was born here February 7, 1969 and adopted.
  • Haha, I know that to be true, as I was born on the same day that Lloyd Bridges' daughter, Lucinda, was born. My Dad and Mom met him and had a long conversation with him. He was a very nice man!
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This article was last modified 7 years ago