
India / Uttar Pradesh / Kaimganj /
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Achara is a nice Village, it is 35KM from Farrukhabad and 12 KM from Kaimganj.
The population is about 2000. Of which 700 are young people and remains are children and aged people.
Main population is engaged in agriculture but few are in government service and also in Private company.
There is one Primary School and a Inter college also. One Petrol Pump also available.
The main occupation is agriculture, main crops are potato, sugarcane,tobacco etc. Achara is large producer of potato.
There are about 50 shops.
sweets made from sugarcane are famous.
Nature of people is good. They are polite and humble.
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Coordinates:   27°26'41"N   79°18'35"E


  • Ajay Kumar likes this city . This is my Birthplace
  • Edited by mp pathak on 27 May 11.
This article was last modified 13 years ago