India /
Mizoram /
Aizawl /
Saitual Phullen Suangpuilawn Rd
/ India
/ Mizoram
/ Aizawl
World / India / Mizoram / Aizawl

Dilkhan is a Village in Thingsulthliah Block in Aizawl District of Mizoram State, India. Dilkhan Pin code is 796261 and postal head office is Saitual .
The population in Dilkhan village is 225 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 48 House Holds in Dilkhan.
There are 117 males (52%); There are 108 females (48%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 225 (100% ).
Literates in Dilkhan are 190 (84%).
There are 35 total Illiterates (16% ).
Literates are 190 (84% ) and total Illiterates 35 (16%) in Dilkhan.
Workers are 140 (62%). 139 are regular and 1 are Irregular.
There are 85 Non Workers (38%).
The population in Dilkhan village is 225 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 48 House Holds in Dilkhan.
There are 117 males (52%); There are 108 females (48%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 225 (100% ).
Literates in Dilkhan are 190 (84%).
There are 35 total Illiterates (16% ).
Literates are 190 (84% ) and total Illiterates 35 (16%) in Dilkhan.
Workers are 140 (62%). 139 are regular and 1 are Irregular.
There are 85 Non Workers (38%).
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 23°44'38"N 92°57'41"E
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- Keifang-1 (OIL INDIA LIMITED) 10 km
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- Playground 12 km
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