Lincoln Mine Project

USA / California / Amador City /
 mine, gold mine

(As of March, 2014. Sutter Gold has ceased operation at the Lincoln and Keystone sites due to design flaws causing problems processing tailings. Additional financing needed to correct the problems. No date given for resumption of the development of the property.)

A property owned by Sutter Gold, Inc.

Sutter Gold Mining Inc is a junior gold exploration and development company, pursing the goal of becoming an emerging producer through the evaluation of the development its two properties: The Sutter Gold Project on the California Mother Lode in California and the El Alamo Project, in which the company holds the rights to a geologically similar, high grade property, located in the northern Baja region of Mexico.

The Sutter Gold Lincoln Project, including both the Keystone and Lincoln projects is located in northern California, 45 miles southeast of Sacramento, in Amador County. The project encompasses a 3.6 mile long segment along the Mother Lode Gold Belt which includes nine historic past producing mines with documented historic gold production from 1852 to 1952 totalling 2,343,000 ounces. Seven of nine historic mines on the property had documented un-mined resources in-place at the time of their closure. Gold-quartz vein mineralization on the property is of orogenic or mesothermal type, hosted within a regional sale of deformation corridor cutting Late Jurassic meta-sediments and lesser mafic to intermediate meta-volcanics of the Mariposa Formation.

Located in Sutter Creek and extending north for one mile along the Mother Lode.In the 1860's the Lincoln was worked through two shafts and produced 3500 tons of ore per year. It lay idle until 1898 when it was reopened by the Lincoln Gold Mine Develpment Company.

By 1888 most of the high grade ore had been exhausted. Mining operation continied until the mine closed in 1919. From 1911 to 1919, the Keystone Mining Company operated the mine. and in 1920 the company gained control of the South Spring Hill mine adjining the Keystone property on the east side.

The Lincoln Mine, which was originally called the Union Mine, was established in 1851. It boasted one of the first stamp mills in the area, and showed a promising future early into exploration
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Coordinates:   38°24'36"N   120°48'48"W


  • This mine kept a full time crew on the payroll waiting for the price of gold to rise. We panned for gold here in a "salted" sluice. It was exciting for our very young son, whose face lit up when he found sprinkles of gold in his pan. They conducted underground tours of the mines showing us the veins of gold in the quartz. They have recently gone back into gold production.
This article was last modified 11 years ago