
Belgium / Flamisch Brabant / Tervuren / Vierwindenbinnenhof, 1-8
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The work of the deceased architect in 1984 Willy Van Der Meeren characterized by compassion and the social dimension, the focus on system building and using basic materials. In all his designs is always the result of the form functionality. Coupled with its emphasis on community life and the ability to personalize units led to a number of special designs.

Perhaps the most representative example of his extensive drive for industrialization in the housing (resulting in exceptional quality/price ratio) is that of the ECSC house that he and Leon Palm in 1954 for the European Coal and Steel developed.

Solid starting point integrated elements that let the client many options in terms of filling material or function. The house is further characterized by the open plan layout, which was broken with the traditional layout of a house which was replaced by a purely functional. The house was such a central heating stove. Despite the great interest of the public, the house was not widely produced. It was only built in the "Vierwindenbinnenhof" Tervuren where eight houses were built, including their own home by Van Der Meeren. The modular system made it possible by adding a module, the actual residence could also be extended with a section for professional activities. The ensemble was decided as a residential area which today houses. Four reasons why the entire Wind Courtyard is protected.
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Coordinates:   50°50'34"N   4°32'11"E
This article was last modified 5 years ago