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Indonesia / Jawa Tengah / Pati /
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Pati adalah nama sebuah kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dan juga sebagai ibukota Kabupaten Pati, Wilayah Kota Pati tidak terlalu luas dan terletak di Jalur PANTURA ( Jalan yang selalu tersibuk di Pulau Jawa ).

Terjemahan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pati is the name of a town in Central Java province, as well as the capital Pati, Pati City Region is not too wide and is located in the PANTURA coast (which is always the busiest roads in Java).
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   6°44'47"S   111°2'12"E


  • ms onjeng ... (tamu)
    di mana y rmah greend pa kuuu ............... di ds sinom ???? by . fAWZI FROM JAMBI
  • Zaen Arfin (tamu)
    rumah ku di desa Ngepong Rojo Rt/Rw : 5/6 kec.pati, kab.pati... call me 081225777460 by zaen Airport Soekarno Hatta,Cengkareng Indonesia
  • Ajie (tamu)
    Pati is the best place to live on earth. I love this city so much. It's difficult to describe how great my truly love to this amazing city is. A place where I was born by my beloved mother. A place where I was raised up by my parents. As well as, a place where I find my real life so far. Wherever I am I can't stop thinking of this gorgeous city forever.
  • Ajie (tamu)
    Here, I would like to say to all International Investors throughout the globe. Please. never ever doubt to invest your capital in this city. As Pati is really one of the best sites, geographically, in Indonesia to grow up your business. Its location is very strategic for it is located precisely at the northern coast of Java, the busiest route in this Country. This city is relatively clean, beautiful, calm, safe and comfortable to live in. It has a busy traditional inland harbor. It is relatively sterile of any earthquake disaster which is so common in other parts of Java Island. The downtown area of Pati is also free from any flood phenomenon. Not only in wet season but also in dry season, you must not worry to get any fresh water for your daily consumption here. Pati is one of the fertile regencies in Central Java. It produces various kind of agricultural products such as rice, corns, peanuts, coffee, garlic, chilly, soybeans, vegetables, fruits, sugarcane, Java kapok, etc. This region is also well known as one of the biggest producers of fish and sea products not only in Central Java but also in this island. Nowadays, there are some big factories in Pati which produces food products, sugar, paper, kapok and sea products. In a jiffy, please come to Pati City and never hesitate to run your business here!
  • Iqbal (tamu)
    rumahku di kauman, pati coy ...
  • putrosanusi (tamu)
    rumahku yang sangat bagus sekali di dk.tambang rt07,rw04 ds.kedungwinong kec.sukolilo kab. pati
  • ada dech (tamu)
    rogowangsan karo gembleb neng ndi?ak nggolek.i omah.e jeng kokot kro olive soale di golek.i popeye..peta mu d lngkpi sek to bud..bud...
  • bungminto (tamu)
    pati reseh,,aku wong pati asli calo terminal sadis,,preman kayen opo meneh,,bupatine dikabarke korupsi, langganan banjir,,air bersih kurang terutama pati bagian kidol,,
  • sful99 bar dolan nang Winong
  • priasuci
    Orang pati kalo ngomong "Matamu = Matanem"
  • edwin (tamu)
    Daerah Tlogowungu dari Jepara, kelep , sambung oyot itu kemana, mas?
  • umbar kizuut (tamu)
    pengin muleh ning pati go..
  • dodik prasetio yudianto (tamu)
    aku wong pati saiki neng bengkalis hub 085355163377
  • yosi (tamu)
    q orang pati...gembong...ketanggan,,,pengen pulang...
  • bambang mulyono (tamu)
    sedia tempat pemancingan di belakang stadion joyo kusumo
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