BOC Air Separation Plant

USA / Pennsylvania / Braddock / Washington Avenue, 1000
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BOC's Braddock facility opened in 1998 as the largest air separation plant in the country.

The plant uses a cryogenic process to separate nitrogen, oxygen and argon from air. The separated gases are piped to US Steel's Mon Valley Works (including the adjacent Edgar Thomson plant) or trucked in liquid form to various other customers.

The plant was featured on the October 20, 2004 episode of the History Channel's "Modern Marvels."

Formerly on this site was the Talbot Towers housing project, consisting of four boxy brick high-rises for low-income families and a fifth for the elderly. Beset with high crime and poor living conditions, the complex was demolished in 1990 and its families relocated.
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Coordinates:   40°23'48"N   79°51'57"W
This article was last modified 8 years ago