Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch (Vancouver)

Canada / British Columbia / Vancouver / West Georgia Street, 350
 library, food court, 1990s construction

350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 6B1, Canada
(604) 331-3603

Architect Moshe Safdie
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   49°16'46"N   123°6'55"W


  • a very good public library with helpful people and lots of stuff . . . if you like classic movies here is the place to get them . . . for free! after all these years, i still do not understand the design. how does the design reflect an institution that is supposed to promote learning and knowledge?
  • The design was meant to represent an open book. There was also a rooftop garden on the original plan but due to cost overruns it was never finished and is now only accessible via an old wooden ladder on the outside of the top floor of the library; however, it appears in some of their promotional pictures.
This article was last modified 8 years ago