Rajshahi University School (Rajshahi Divisional Town)
Bangladesh /
Rajshahi /
Rajshahi Divisional Town
/ Bangladesh
/ Rajshahi
/ Rajshahi
World / Bangladesh / Rajshahi / Rajshahi / Rajshahi
school, primary school, secondary school
This school was founded in 1966. The higher secondary section had been started here from 1983. There are 28 sections from class 1 to 12 in this school. There are three parts in class 9,10,11 & 12. They are Science, Humanities and Business studies. Presently, at about 50 teachers along with the principal and vice-principal are giving education in different classes. The number of the students of this school is at about 2500. There are also 22 office stuffs are working in various sections in this school. This school has a biology practical laboratory, a physics practical laboratory, a chemistry practical laboratory, a computer practical laboratory and a debating society also. The school is controlled by 'Rajshahi Bisshobiddaloy School Addhyadesh-1983'. The school is administered by The Institute of Education and Research under Rajshahi University.
Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajshahi_University_School
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 24°21'55"N 88°37'50"E
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- Rajshahi University 1.3 km
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