Juniata Crossing

USA / Pennsylvania / Valley-Hi /
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Site of original river ford used by the Forbes Trail on it's way to Fort Pitt. Historic stone tavern, built in 1790, still stands at this
location. Crossing is now made by drab Route 30 highway bridge.
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Coordinates:   39°59'39"N   78°16'9"W


  • no it is not the original crossing. The original crossing is just north of here.It was moved here in the 1790's
  • Follow Nycum Road north to where it ends at the river,this is the site of original crossing. Gen.Forbes built a fort here to protect the crossing.Latter a bridge was built here,the remains of one abuttment still survives on the east side of river.Every early settler heading west crossed at the orig. site.On the east side in the old road bed can still be seen the ruts left in the bedrock from the conestoga wagons.
This article was last modified 9 years ago