Lura National Park

Albania / Mirdite / Kurbnesh /
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This National Park of Albania covers a mammoth 1,280 hectares of land and is located to the east of Lura's Crown. The most enticing aspect of the park is the 14 glacier lakes of Lura that remain frozen in winter. The park has a rich potential for ecotourism. It has a wide variety of colorful plants and the beautiful coniferous trees.
Among the many lakes the ones that stand out are the Big Lake (32 hectares), Lake of Pines (13 hectares), Black Lake (8 hectares), and Lake of Flowers (4 hectares).
In the southern part of the park there is a meadow called "Field of Mares" which offers a relaxing view, since its vegetation is miscellaneous with multi-color flowers and full of coniferous trees.
The glacial complex of Lura lakes are one of the most beautiful pearls of Albanian nature. The glacial lakes of Lura have a general surface of 100 ha. They are located in the northeastern part of the country in the district of Dibra.
The lake of Flowers is really astonishing with the big white water lilies in summer, leaving the impression of a big garden created by the hand of a mastermind.
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Coordinates:   41°46'1"N   20°11'38"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago