Tập thể cấp thoát nước 104 Liên Ninh Thanh Trì

Vietnam / Dong Bang Song Hong / Ha Dong / Quốc lộ 1A
 khu tập thể  Thêm thể loại
 Đăng ảnh

Thuộc xã Liên Ninh/ huyện Thanh Trì/ thành phố Hà Nội
Đường cong cong, ngõ loằng ngoằng
Các thành phố lân cận:
Toạ độ:   20°54'47"N   105°51'10"E

Nhận xét

  • Đại Sứ mò sò Copyright 1994. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. NEW YORK (AP) -- Vietnam's ambassador to the United Nations is claiming diplomatic immunity after being accused of illegally digging for clams on Long Island. Ambassador Le Van Bang and his driver, Toan Nguyen Dinh, were spotted July 31 in East Hampton's Hog Creek, carrying plastic bags filled with clams, town officials said. The two men "acted like they didn't speak English when they were confronted by the harbormaster," said the town prosecutor, Scott Allen. After police were called, Le and Toan dropped the bags of clams and claimed diplomatic immunity, the Daily News reported Friday. The men were ticketed for illegal shellfishing and littering. Clamming without a license carries a $250 fine. The men are due in town court Oct. 3. Allen is researching whether diplomatic immunity applies. "Apparently, there are two different levels of diplomatic immunity," Senior Harbormaster Bill Taylor said. "The ambassador is total diplomatic immunity, the driver may be at a different level." Nguyen Thi Hong, a spokesman at Vietnam's U.N. mission, said the incident was a misunderstanding. "They were not picking up clams. They were just swimming around," he said. ............ Ông đại sứ nầy láo thật, không biết tiếng Anh mà đi làm đại sứ ! Tên phát ngôn viên còn nói "ông đại sứ và tài xế đâu có mò sò chỉ lội khơi khơi thôi !! ha ha ha ha.............
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