Ulba Metallurgical Plant (Oskemen)

Kazakhstan / Sigis Kazakstan / Oskemen

Ulba Metallurgical Plant, shortly UMP, also widely known as Ulba (Russian: АО "Ульбинский металлургический завод", АО "УМЗ"; Kazakh: "Үлбі металлургиялық зауыты" Акционерлік Қоғамы, "ҮМЗ" АҚ) is joint stock company. It is part of National Atomic Company "Kazatomprom", which is National operator for nuclear industry in Kazakhstan. It is one of the world leaders in terms of production of berillium, tantalum, and niobium, as well as uranium-based fuel bricks for nuclear power stations.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   49°59'9"N   82°37'31"E


  • На этом заводе не только топливо производят, но и берилий с танталом, объект режимный, строго охраняемый.
  • "Ульбинский металлургический завод" называется.
This article was last modified 7 years ago