Former Ernst Ludwig Kaserne - US Army (Darmstadt)

Germany / Hessen / Darmstadt
 invisible, United States Army in Europe, closed / former military
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Location of former Ernst Ludwig Kaserne - US Army. As of Apr, 2009 all buildings but Performing Arts Center and Motor Pool were teared down and area was converted to housing.
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Coordinates:   49°50'52"N   8°37'12"E


  • all of my memories of ELK will die with me, i miss and love that time and place
  • I was on ELK from 1960-1963 with A Btry 2nd Gun Bn 38th FA one of the best assignments I ever had, I had some great friends there and still in contact with one to this day 7/13/14. We had the Red Scarf EM Club, a small PX over the mess hall. At that time we had 38th FA, 1st 21st HJ and 3rd 18 FA. All Gone except for my friend Bob. I miss those days it's sad they closed ELK down.
  • I will never forget Sgt Sykes, Supply Sergeant, when I was stationed at Ernst Ludwig Kaserne from July 1963 to April, 1964> With Sincere Respect; SSG Derace D. Owens(Retired).
  • Hey, Read your comment here Buzz. Was so pleased to get in touch with you. FRED WILLIAMS
  • I was stationed at ELK from June 1971 to February 1974. I was with the 447th Signal Battalion. My wife and I ran the concession stand at the theater from 1971 to 1974 Don Elmore 1SG U.S. Army, Retired
  • I was in C co. 11th signal from 1980 to 1982. And I had the time of my life.
  • ELK from about Oct68 to Sept 69, Hq&Hq Battery, 10th Artillery Group right across quad from 11th Sig Bn I remember Sgt Caan George Losey E-5, Colonels Driver before rotating stateside
  • I was there 86-88 with the 94th eng. Best time of my life. Plenty of fond memories that I will never forget. Wish I could have seen it one last time before it closed.
  • I was also there 68-69 in 11th sig bn company clerk and manned those antiquated coal boilers to heat the whole place
  • The 11th Sig Bn? When I got there in Jue 1971 the 447th Sig Bn was at ELK. I was there for almost two years before the 447th moced to Cambri Fristch Kaserne. Don Elmore
  • I was in C Co. 11th signal from 1986 to 1988. Had plenty of good times.
  • Robert, I was at Ernst Ludwig Kaserne quite a few years before you. I was there from 1971 to 1973 and really liked it. I sold Popcorn and Cokes at the Redleg Theater.
  • I was there in 82-83 and went to Graf for part of 82 project. I miss the guys and the fun we had over there. Can't remember half their names though. Larry Talkington, Talofa, a few others. Trips to Frankfurt, lol. Me and my guitar.
  • Don I was there in 70-71. Lived across street with my new wife. Geeat times there.
  • Jerry, you must have left just prior to my arrival. I arrived in June 1971. I sold popcorn, candy and cokes at the Redleg Theater. Occasionally I was the projectionist on a temporary basis and then trained a replacement. I was acting First sergeant for 6 months at Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 447th Signal Battalion and then was re-assigned to S-3 at Battalion Headquarters.
  • I was at ELK '59 - '61, B Battery, 18th Arty.
  • Tim, I was also there in '81-83 . Delta Company 94th Engr Bn
  • I was stationed there from78-80. c co 11th ad signal. Greatest Time In My Young Life.
  • I was there in 1953-54 with an 8" Howitzer Battalion-7th Army Dick Braaten
  • I was there at 10 ADA BDE 84-86. Great memories!
  • Then it was probably the 553rd Howitzer Battalion. I got there in 1958 it was still the 553rd, then it changed to the 3rd Howitzer battalion 18th field artillery.
  • I arrived 1/1/59 3rd Howitzer Battalion, 18th Artillery, B Battery.
  • I was there from Jan 77 through April 80 with Co. C 11th AD Sig Bn. I was part of DSMA and repaired the GRC103 and TD660. Many fond memories.
  • I was station there with Alpha Company 94th Engineer Battalion Combat (Heavy) back in December of 1991.
  • My whole battalion,216th shipped over there in 1955 from Fort Sill, The 216th was a 280mm atomic cannon outfit.I am 82 years old but still have fond memories of of my time there. Henry Holtz
  • My name is Joe F.Gaona and I was stationed in ELK from 1961 to 1963 . I was in A battery headquarters and was the assistant projectionist for Augie Verharst.
  • Ken, my email is was there from 61-63 3/18th headquarters battery. I was the commanders driver,assistant projectionist. etc,etc. potato peeler. may things. Email me. I live in Houston,Texas
  • Dave,my name is Joe F.Gaona and I was there in 1961 to Feb.1963 3/128 FA in Headquarters battery. Email me at If you have pictures from there,email or post on my facebook. Joe Gaona. My picture is on my page in fatigues. I was 18 at the time.
  • Hi Joe, my name is Ennis. I arrived there a little later than you, but I also have fond memories of ELK. I was there from Apr 1965 - Aug 1967. I was a member of B Battery 3/ 80th Arty. Our weapon was the Sargeant Missle. I don't know if my unit was there during your tour, but it's nice to have walked on the same ground you have.
  • I was a short timer when you go there. I left November 1977. I remember playing fast pitch softball and kicking but at it.
  • Hey Leroy.... It's been a long time since ELK in 76-77. i was SP4 Sellers. I remember the days...Sad the place is only memories now. But ones we will have forever.....
  • Glenn Gatewood was a good friend of mine.... We had good times at 3rd shop and the lounge below the mess hall on the kaserne. I remember you. Been a long time. But time we wont forget....
  • Hi Jerry, I'm Vera from germany. I'm searching for Billy / Bill / Birl Frazier who was round about 20 years in 1971, a afroamerican army member. He left Darmstadt in 1971- direction vietnam. Can you help me?
  • I am Jerry Nenarella, and I was at ELK from June '68 till Apr '69 when I was sent to Vietnam. I was with the 1st Target Acquisition Btn, 26th Arty. We were in the first building on the left just inside the front gate. We surveyed over a lot of central Germany. A mobile rocket btn was next door to our barracks, and during a simulated test the launch program was inadvertently left on. It was discovered, thankfully, and shut down with a few minutes till launch right at our building! I loved the people and being able to see how they lived. When we were out in the field the people were very friendly and treated us well. Too bad I can't upload a few pictures.
  • Black Top, if you're still on this site...George Smith, SPC5, "Pineapple". 1973-1975. Left on emergency leave, but didn't make it back to Darmstadt. Heavy equipment operator, but you reassigned me to the Orderly Room when you found out my bowling average was 175 back then. :-) Hope you are doing well.
  • Hey Jerry...Imagine that! I too was stationed with the 1st Target Acquisition Battalion, 26 Arty. I arrived in June of '68 as well after AIT at Fort Sill. I too was 82C20 (Instrument Operator) and fell in love with the country and small farm villages we would bring grid control to during our maneuvers. Unfortunately, when not out on maneuvers, my world within the confines of guard duty, shoveling coal, motor pool monotony, and deteriorating personnel relations with my CO and Platoon Sgt, I needed to find what I then referred to as the "real Army". Duty with purpose and dignity, appreciation, and pride, all of which were lacking qualities within the unit I served. They would allow me to transfer "out"...until I learned that a request to transfer to Vietnam could not be denied! So, In December of 68, I left Darmstadt and the many friends that I had come to know and respect...Mike Dombal, John Weeks, Terry Weintraub, and so many more who's names unfortunately now escape me. After my 30 day leave back on Long Island, I arrived in Viet Nam and spent the next 6 months in a small basecamp "Bear Cat" about 20 Ks from Long Bien. Our unit was then transferred to Tay Ninh Base Camp roughly 70 Ks northwest along the Cambodia Border. There I spent my final 6 months serving America while dodging rockets and steering clear of the ever famous on-base steam baths. (LOL) It's hard for me to believe that while we spent the same time together in the same unit in Darmstadt that I don't recognize your name. I shared a room on the top floor of the same building that you were in. Can you name some names from the day? Perhaps we knew some of the same guys. It's been a pleasant surprise to have been in touch with you Jerry. (Were you "US" or "RA"?)
  • Survey Platoon, Headquarters Battery, 1st Target Acquisition Battalion, 26th Artillery. June - December, 1968. Housed within the first building on left just inside the main gate. Bunked with the platoon on the top floor overlooking the motor pool. Left for Nam after Christmas. Bruce Howell, Spec 4, Instrument Operator
  • I was there 61-63, 2nd Gun bn 38th FA...Motor job i ever had..due to bad accident ..i spent most of my time at the 97th gen Frankfort......i had a pov and traveled all over Germany .ATOMIC ANNIE....M65
  • Charles Chuck Rhynearson I was there in that same time was hq co and on the unit police
  • I was there 77-78 Co. C 11th Sig also! Wow. I was a 31m20 worked at the Bunker site 50. Sp/4 Rick Lackey
  • Robert Kitner I was also in C co 11th sig same time as you 77-78
  • Sorry Robert, I thought you were there 77-78. Went back and re read, you ere there 10 yrs after I was!
  • PFC Joseph Perdue HHC 11th Sig Bn 32nd ADDCOM 7th Army 1990-1992.
  • I was there from March of 69 to August of 70. Don't remember you but I don't remember a lot of things.
  • B-TAB...73-75, great memories!
  • The 447th Signal Battalion moved to Ernst Ludwig Kaserne from Baumholder in spring 1971. It had been in Baumholder (Wetzel Kaserne) for about two years. LTC Harry Comeskey was CO during my 10 months (9/70 - 6/71) in the battalion. CPT Batta and SFC Odum ran the HHQ Detachment at the time. SFC Bozarth headed the S-2 where I worked. The 447th had a couple of dozen communications sites throughout northwestern Germany, Belgium and Holland, forming the 'Cemetery' Network in support of artillery units. It belonged to the 22nd Signal Group in Mannheim. I was at ELK for only 2 or 3 months, but have many memories of people, places and events around ELK and nearby units and Darmstadt itself. Of course, even more memories of Baumholder.
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This article was last modified 9 years ago