Komarovsky skit - the oldest skit in the Old Believers Kerzhentse!

Russia / Nizhnij Novgorod / Linda /
 abandoned / shut down, hermitage, Old Believers, historic site

Komarovsky skit - one of the oldest and largest in the Kerzhentse, location novel PI Melnikov (Pechersky) "In the woods."
It was founded in context. XVII - beg. XVIII century. 36 kilometers north-west of the city of Semenov, near the villages and Elfimova Vasilyeva. The name, according to legend, was nicknamed first settlers - a peasant Komar.

Shortly after "Solovetsky seat at Stone Vrazhke dwelt came from the city Torzhka staroobryadets, nicknamed Komar. On behalf of his cell and called Komarov. First there were four home by the end of the last century they were up to forty, and residents were believed to two thousand.
A long time, about a hundred years, Komarovsky skit at Stone Vrazhke was neznamenitym skite. In the year of the plague in Moscow and conceived staroobryadskih cemeteries in Moscow - Rogozhskogo and Preobrazhensky / footnote - 1771 / - conceived glory skite Komarovsky. In that year came to Stone Vrazek Ignaty Potemkin, Jonah and Manefa old pug.

Manefina monastery cloister is considered the best, not only throughout Komarova, but also on all skite kerzhenskim, chernoramenskim. In it, a broad meadow, rise pochernevshaya from many years the chapel, with dark, porosshey whitish moss roof. Up to three icons of thousands of local, medium and shtilistOvyh stood in a large and two small pridelnyh the iconostasis, as well as on the shelves on all walls of the chapel. In the middle of a large five-iconostas delivered from the rear wall in the elevated solee were ancient royal remarkable carved doors, on either side of them were local icons in silver with a suspended rizah shroud, or brocaded velvet, embroidered with gold, adorned with pearls and silver drobnitsami. They have put huge silver candlesticks with candles poods. Ancient Deesis with the faces of the apostles, prophets and forefathers raised on gilt tyable old subtle threads. On the ceiling came a few panikadil Prorezna with gilded apples, with silver feathers with repyami and vitymi mustache. Small image of ancient iconography, rasstavlennye shelves were decorated rizami drop, filigree and basmennogo case with pearl tsatami and ryasnami / 1 /. There have been icons of the Novgorod poshiba, Stroganov icons of the letters first and second icons fryazhskoy of the king's stern Zograf Simon Ushakov, Nikola Pavlovtsa and others. All this was once stored in the old churches and monasteries or were generic cherished shrine of noble people dopertrovskogo time. Dobrohotnye Chairpersons and ignorant настоятели, revnuya not mind about the beauty of the house of God, replaced in their precious ancient churches and picturesque icons of utensils in the so-called new style. Napuyurennye grandchildren barbate boyars sold lying in their stores grandfather's blessing as an unnecessary stuff and money nakupali Sevres porcelain, Parisian tapestries, rare snuff-boxes and bred trotter or squander them from overseas lover. Old Believers, do not spare the money saved from extermination unvalued treasures of native antiquities, collecting them in their homes and chapels. Many of the treasures kept in the monastery mother Manefy. There were icons of the old room, and the kings and nobles hereditary shrines dopetrovskih delivery, and precious manuscripts, and all sorts of church and utensils.
Among the newcomers was the famous mnogonachitanny old Jonah, called pug, who came from the Ural, from the plants Demidova, humor, and until now for the Old Zeal for the faith, the scriptures in favor of staroobryadstva and strict life. His name does not have a trace in the history of Russian division. That Jonah was one of the most remarkable people staroobryadskogo Cathedral in Moscow in 1779, approved "peremazyvane" coming from velikorosskoy church. It felt righteous. In the long-neglected and ruinous monastery Ionin parked next to Ignatieva, still intact tomb of his great osenennaya spruce. "Ionin spruce" - to honor the Old: trunk it just is not the whole izgryzen. Suffering from dental pain are here, praying for the deceased or the deceased and gryzut growing over the grave of his tree in the aspirations of healing. And the believers, as skazyvyut, istselevayut.

Skit with Pitirim been destroyed, but after the decree in 1762 was quickly restored.
In the XVIII century. in a monastery was founded by Princess Bolhovskoy Boyarkina monastery, which was originally inhabited by women of noble birth. Before the 50-ies of the XIX century. remained in the chapel of the monastery as a shrine Alexander ribbon orders with cross belonged Lopukhina - uncle founder of the monastery.

At the beginning of the XIX century. Komarovsky skit had 35 monasteries, in 1826 - 26, 1853 - 12 monasteries, chapels and 3 Praying 2. At the same time in a monastery lived to 500 and the same skitnits noviciate. In the XIX century. after Napoleon in Moscow, added to cell Rogozhskoy communities displaced from their families. According to Hieromonk John (1837), a monk in a monastery residents become weaned off church Hieromonk. Abode headed by the uninitiated and the Mother Superior Mother Superior (the agreement was defined as beglopopovskoe, "peremazanschiki).

Besides monasteries skit included a family home with the sons of peasants, as well as - "an orphan." "Orphans" were called did not belong to the community skitskih settlers living alone, and feeding of their own funds, but the period of the Nizhniy Novgorod fair in Nizhny collecting donations for the monastery of Old-merchants.
Abode monastery were built on the type of "swarms" - mnogosrubnogo double-roofed structure with a courtyard, transitions, senyami, Svetlitsa. On both sides of the long corridors were clean keleyki. The corridor out to a spacious, luxuriously decorated Praying, in which the service committed daily. Full Kerzhenets skit was famous for the purity and discipline.
In the monastery, it was 8-10 before the old cemetery, which is still revered two.
Near the monastery Manefinoy for skitnits were dug two ponds.

Following a decree of Nicholas I of 1 March, 1853 on the destruction of cells in the county and Semenovskaya prescription Minister of Internal Affairs of the movement in a cell all skitnikov, Nizhny Novgorod authorities in 1855 decided to relocate 40 people from Komarovsky in Ulangersky cell. Despite the fact that the monastery began to dismantle the chapel, the project has not implemented the relocation. Dweller Manefinoy monastery, as well as many evicted residents of other cells, have found refuge in Semyonova. Although the report Semenovsky priests for 1856 Komarovsky skit identified as "former", some of its inhabitants have not left the old settlements and continued to wear dress inocheskie. In 1860, restored "divisive graveyard."

In 1911 Komarovsky cells and their prioress Matrenu Filatevnu (in the future in 1914 - mother Manefu, "last"), visited in his journey to the holy places DN Utkin, which left a memorable one. Mother Manefa died in 1934 and rests on the lines Cemetery. Traditional children's literacy learning, piety, church singing lines maintained in a monastery for centuries, until the 30-ies. XX century. When (about 1927) skit was settled. "Mother Melania Kosiyaniya and continued to teach children to read and write," moved into the village of Fedotova. Until now, alive in the Nizhni Novgorod province pupils Komarovsky monastery.

The range of memory for Old places are:
1. In the southern side, on the meadow - the tomb of mother Manefy. For a metal fence with a gate is nadmogilny difficult to distinguish from stone inscriptions, covered with artistic carvings, surrounded by a concrete pad. On the eastern side of a tomb stands a wooden cross.
2. On the southern side of the forest - skitskoe cemetery. There are about a half dozen poorly preserved and crosses golbtsov (age approximately 20-60 years).
3. In the eastern side of the complex, at 60 meters from the stream, among the old trees - old wooden cross, the remainder of the tomb of Jonah Kurnosov.
4. In the eastern side, on the banks of the stream - skitskoe cemetery. Among several dozens of graves is the tomb of "Manefy last." On a wooden cross - a metal plate with the inscription "Mother Manefa. She died in 1934."
5. In the north-western part of the complex on the wooded bank of the stream - the two cross, left over from skitskogo cemetery.
6. Remains of two ponds, excavated before Manefinoy cloister. These places are the object of worship and pilgrimage for Old Nizhny Novgorod region, particularly revered tomb of Jonah Kurnosov and mother Manefy.
Komarovsky cell surrounded by other holy Old: power "elementary aged" Fotini rest between Komarovsky and Ulangerskim skite, there is the tomb of Mother Golenduhi.
foto: home.sinn.ru/~zaykin/byke/2007-05-26-Semenov-Tarasiha/i...
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