アルバート記念碑 (ロンドン)

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The Albert Memorial
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  • 剰余金で建ったのがヴィクトリア女王なのですか? そんなことは無いでしょう。これを「ねじれ文」って言うの。こんな文章書いてて恥ずかしくないの?小学生から勉強し直しなさいよ。 http://www.nhk.or.jp/kokugo/tsubo/shiryou/2012_007_01_shiryou.html
  • You wrote: "剰余金で建ったのがヴィクトリア女王なのですか? そんなことは無いでしょう。これを「ねじれ文」って言うの。こんな文章書いてて恥ずかしくないの?小学生から勉強し直しなさいよ。 " Do a Queen Victoria and that was built in the surplus? Such a thing would not. This is to say I "twist statement". And Are not you ashamed to have written such a sentence? Please re-study from elementary school. Translation programmes are not perfect.What you wrote was nonsense also in English. All language experts know this. Wikimapia is a social group where we work collaboratively to improve. Please improve if necessary. Some earlier users of the site have used translation programmes to translate pages. This shows they do not work all the time. I hope you find the time where you will edit the texts appropriately. I will address any of your concerns personally. Please ask for advise.
この記事は 12 年前に更新されました