Comuna Roşia Montană, Jud. Alba

Romania / Alba / Rosia Montana /
 commune - administrative division, draw only border
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The latest method of such a documentary is a combination of picture with text and music. What a nice piece of art made of 3 different types of arts :D . Later on I will write about some software that helps you do that, but now, let’s take a look at a simple Documentary I made about “Rosia Montana”. Rosia Montana is a city in the mountains, famous in Romania because it is built upon a mountain of gold and a Canadian company now wants to effectively move the city in order to get the gold out. But the people living there will not move: they stick on the tradition (including old roman archaeology sites) and natural environmental protected sites. This is why the documentary is going to show the beauty of the place in 4 parts: the people and buildings, the landscape, the macro world, the old mine gallery
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Coordinates:   46°19'35"N   23°5'23"E
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This article was last modified 12 years ago