Siegelsbach Army Depot (former military base)

Germany / Baden-Wurttemberg / Huffenhardt /
 historical layer / disappeared object, nuclear weapons/warheads storage
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The largest part of the former area of the institute for ammunition was used starting from 1950 of the US army as ammunition depot. Here by the 556th MP company, also nuclear weapons were stored later, guarded, which were taken off 1992. (translated from
The site is returned to the German Government in late '90s.
Maintanance by 525th Ordnance Company (Special Ammunition) (Dep Spt)
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Coordinates:   49°16'1"N   9°3'43"E


  • To be deleted as listed in user guide: >Non existing places, even they was in the past"
  • my name ron yoder, i was stationed there jan 61 till mar 64. 556 mp's i was 17 when i arrived there, security gaurd for almost 2 yrs. before i made gate section. a hell hole , had alot of good friends if any of you see this e-mail me at they made a movie there, called "BUFFALO SOLDIERS"
  • go to and type in 525 in the key phrase box to get dtails
  • I was stationed there during 1956 while serving in the US Army. Johnny Oliver (Suffolk, Va)
  • My Name is Paul Cash. I was stationed with 556th MP. 1976, This was my first assignment in Germany. What ever happened to Andy and the gest house we used to party at? I wonder what happened to Garry Potts?
  • Andy and Rosie divorced around 89-91. I was also there 75-77, 525th Ord . I was a cook in the mess hall.
  • Got divorced after his wife dated this guy in Ordnance. I was there 79 to 82 556 MP
  • My father worked there for a very long time. Cw4 Kenyon. My sister and I had summer hire program jobs for dependants at sieglesbach back in '85-'86.. I worked the mess hall as a helper in '85.. Then in '86 I was a fuel handler to fuel up vehicles there.. My sister worked the recreation area. Also, the summer of '86 a soldier was found dead over the summer weekend. My sister worked with him said he was a nice guy. I remember going to his memorial at the base. Very sad. I was 16. Never knew him, but the way they did that was very touching. Brought tears to my eyes. I loved Germany. Glad I was an army brat. I'm not that close to my dad because army was his life. Maybe some of you guys remember him.
  • I was a newly commissioned 2LT MP at Siegelsbach from January 1967 til October 1968. We lived in Heilbronn first then moved to Huffenhart. Our first daughter was born in Stuttgart Bad Constat. We have many fond memories of our tour in Germany. It sure beat Vietnam Nam by a long shot. Dan Mazur
  • i got there just before the 4th of july 86,i remember the guy that was found dead.I think he ran the rec center,he was a black guy.tough 1st duty station,made me miss the easier days of basic training.I left there 4 dec 88,i'm a sucker for punishment so i loved it there.
  • I was stationed there from February 1969 to July 1970. I was was drafted while attending Cal-State Fullerton -- Fullerton California! Although I was trained as an MP I was asked to replace the outgoing Company Clerk! I was married with a child and brought my wife and child to Germany at my own expense. My duty was handling all the daily reports which included the Morning Report. My second child was born in Germany in early 1970. We enjoyed Germany but on a Spec 4 pay we didn't have enough money to travel. We lived in a small village not far from the base. The Germany Lady we rented from had a brother that lived near were I grew up in Bellflower California. I was very lucky to have went to Germany instead of Nam!!!
  • I was there at the same time as you were. I remember you and Carl Whitener as company clerks. William J. McCluskey, Jr. was company commander, and we had a number of different lieutenants including Gridley, Fluhman, and Betts. The only person I have remained in contact with was Erik Jensen.
  • I was at the Bach from November 65 till May of 67 2nd platoon with Sgt. Alexander and then Sgt. Snelling good times, made some lifetime friends there.
  • Hi Rodney and I were there also during that time. I think he got there in April, 1985 and I got there in Sept., 1985 and we got married and left to Ft. Bliss, TX.
  • Remember Holland and Bond?
  • I was a cook in the kitchen at Siegelsbach with 556th MP Co in 1985, 1986 and 1987
  • I was there from Jan 1980-Dec 1981.. I was in the 556th MP (K9). My dogs name was CORD... Great German Shepard! I really liked the Bach or at least the memories I have.
  • Lee, I was an MP at the Bach at the same time you were there. 85-88. I work the entry control point on the hill.
  • Mark & Jerry, where did 47 years go since we were in Siegelsbach. Tell Erik I said hello the next time you communicate with him.
  • Hello everybody, I really need your Help! I searching for my grandfather or a Person who knew him?! Did anybody know a Soldier in Siegelsbach or Heilbronn with the Name Sandburg or Sandburg please send me an E-Mail at thanks a lot
  • Hello my name is Melissa Andrews. I was a young girl when my dad Larry Andrews was stationed at siegelsbach. We were there in 1975 to 1978. We loved the area. Joined every week for free movie. And my mom Carol worked as a Kp. Stacey was a friend my age. And my babysitter was Connie. Don't remember last names. Please contact me if you were a family friend.
  • The name sounds very familiar. Was Larry a MP or Ordinance? My name is Garry Thrash, and I was a MP, and was there from Jan. 1974 until Aug. 1976. My email is .
  • I did serve with your father in the motor pool The soldier who was found dead I believe his name was Johnson he was a nice guy. Next time you talk to your dad tell him Sgt Shartzer says hi.
  • I was there 88-90 and worked with a Ryan Sandburg.
  • My dad, Harry Floyd was there from Sept '68 - July '71. He was mess sgt. 94B40 MOS. We were quartered in Heilbronn. I went to Heilbronn American School and My Sister Debbie went to Stutgart High. The time we were in Germany was probably one of the best times of my life. We got to travel throughout Baden Wurtenburg and Bayern and even got to go to Holland one spring to see the tulip fields. I remember my dad was friends with one of the local German farmers who I assume provided produce for the mess hall. We went to their house on a few occasions, including Christmas Eve. They only heated the kitchen in the winter and had a large farmhouse table in there. The living room was heated special for Christmas Eve and they had a traditinal tree lit with candles. There was a lot of snow that year. I remember the farmers oldest son Auto picked me up a tossed me into a huge snow drift that was way over my head. I even got to tag along with him a few times when he had to go back to the mess hall for something. I know it was rough for some, especially the young GI's who were so far away from family and home. Having been raised an Army brat I have a special appreciation of the Men and Women who served their country. The sacrifices they made being away from their loved ones. The comradery they shared and the sense of family that existed between them. Thank you to every Army hero out there. Thank you to all members of every branch of the armed services.
  • We were there from 1985-1988 Rodney and Lee holland I was a cook 94B and he was a truck driver remember us? I was Lee Bond until we married there in 1987.
  • Hi my name is Arthur Malaret I was a SPC 4 in the 525 Ord Co. I was stationed in Siegelsbach From May 1983 to October 1984. Have a lot of good memories about Germany. My commander at that time was Major Luttrell and PLT Sgt was SFC Tiller.
  • I was there in 81-82 .I was in the 556 mp co 2nd platoon my name is michael papargiropoulos maybe u remember me
  • Hi my name is Mel Mellard, I was there 1973 to 1976. Was in 525th Ord. Co
  • My name is Jerry Farmer. I was station at Sieglesbach from February 1969 to July 1970. I was a member of the 556th MP Company but because I could type 55 works a minute I became the Company Clerk. I flew my wife and child to Germany in Oct of 1969 and we lived in a small village about two miles form the base. I was drafted out of my senior year of College while attending Cal-State Fullerton in Southern California.
  • My name is Frank Schrandt spec 4 , I was in ordance. We worked in the bunkers . I was there 1963 to 1966.
  • Hi Frank my name is Charlie Weimer and I was an MP there with the 556MP Co. from 1963 to 1965
  • My name is Greg Coleman was stationed there from 1973 to 1977 in storage platoon 525th ord. Lived off post with wife, oldest son was born there. Boy do I remember Andy and his guesthouse, many a hangovers!!!
  • Hi Michael... Im Juan Ortiz.. I was at HQ platoon with thr k9 aection ..
  • Hello all! I'm trying to help my best friend find the identity of her father. Unfortunately, she only knows a few details about this man. 1) He was stationed at Siegelsbach in 1985 and worked in the kitchen as a cook. 2) That his last name is Dube. I'd love to help her solve this 32 year old mystery. If anyone has any information about this mystery man, I'd greatly appreciate it. You can reach me at Thank you all for in advance!
  • Andy's was the best. I was there in 79 & 80. 556th MP Company.
  • My mother was an MP until she moved to the kitchen during that time. Would you have happened to know my father David Dube who was also a cook?
  • I was stationed there 1991-1992. I was part of the operation to remove the special weapons from germany
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This article was last modified 13 years ago