Solar Power Plant (Solucar)

Spain / Sevilla / Aznalcyllar /
 solar park  Add category
Some times the maps in the link below are updated sooner it is now locked on the same area.

Site, according to Wikipedia and other sources, of a solar power plant. See Wikipedia link below. Plant called PS10, and PS20 being built there too. 600+ mirrors direct sunlight to one point at top of tall tower, heat makes steam, steam turns turbine, turns generator to produce electricity.

At 1/09, the Google and Yahoo photos seem to pre-date plant's construction... but I hope no one will remove this Place, because if it is left, then when the photos get updated, we'll already have the Place in place. Even before the photos are updated, the information here will save others the hours I spent TRYING to see the solar plant on Wikimapia.

A different "authority" (a Flickr posting) puts the site about 5km SSE of here.... the two "Sanlucar"s might have something to do with the confusion. At 1/09, the other site doesn't appear to have the plant, either, though... on Google Maps.

Photos of plant:
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   37°26'48"N   6°15'21"W


  • This place is exploding. I went there this summer (2010) and there's already a third smaller tower built (Eureka5). Also a little to the south 2 large new plants are being built or complete already (Solnova or something)
This article was last modified 11 years ago