
Iraq / Ninawa / as-Sayhan / lalis

Lalish (Kurdish: Laliş, also called Lalişa Nûranî), is a small mountain valley village situated in the Shekhan District of Nineveh Province in northern Iraq. It is the location of the tomb of Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir (Şêx Adî), the main figure of the Yazidi faith. The village is above the town of Shekhan, the town with the second largest population of Yazidi Kurds prior to the persecution of Yazidis by ISIL.The village is about thirty-six miles north-east of Mosul.

At least once in their lifetime, Yazidis are expected to make a six-day pilgrimage to Lalish to visit the tomb of Şêx Adî and other sacred places. These other sacred places are shrines dedicated to other holy beings. There are two sacred springs called Zamzam, which is in a cave below Skeikh Adi's sanctuary, and Kāniyā. Lalish is also the location of pirrā selāt (Ṣerāṭ Bridge) and a mountain called Mt. ʿArafāt sites significant in other faiths. Yazidis living in the region are also expected to make a yearly pilgrimage to attend the autumn seven day Feast of the Assembly, which is celebrated from 23 Aylūl to 1 Tašrīn I.

Lalish village dates back at least 1986 BCE.

In the early 1100s, Adi ibn Mosāfer moved to Lalish. Adi died in 1162 and was buried. During a major battle against the Muslim in 1414, the tomb of Adi was razed.

Beginning on August 10, 2014, Yazidi refugees have been fleeing to the village from Sinjar after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant placed that city under siege. Many fleeing Sinjar traveled through Syria to reach Lalish and Shekhan.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   36°46'18"N   43°18'11"E


This article was last modified 8 years ago