Foamade Industries (Auburn Hills, Michigan)

USA / Michigan / Auburn Hills / Auburn Hills, Michigan
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Our mission is to get more materials, figure out more ways to use them, and deliver a quality product more quickly at a lower cost for the customer, and do more of it than anyone else.

From automotive components... to building materials... to medical supplies, molded polyethylene foams, cosmetics, toys, filters, gaskets and athletic padding.

...FOAMADE has helped designers replace less efficient or costly materials with a diverse array of flexible products. Our services include everything from preliminary research through material selection, prototyping, fabrication and final packaging.

FOAMADE's commitment to flexible products spans five decades and is still growing strong. Our innovative staff, depth of industry knowledge and modern fabrication facilities make us a dependable source for your product requirements.

Challenge our know-how and production resources with your design specifications. We will respond quickly with performance, price and on-time deliveries.


Air Filters - Lightweight Floor and Trunk Underlayment - Gaskets Molded Panels - Vinyl Roof Padding - Water Deflectors - Protective Insulators


Applicators - Blood Filters - Instrument Packaging Materials - Orthopedic Braces - Surgical Scrubbers - Sponges - Needle Counters


Shoe and Boot Inserts - Humidifier Belts - Paint Brushes - Toys - Sponges - Pot Scrubbers - Consumer Product Applicators


Exercise Mats - Life Jackets - Novelties - Protective Padding - Water Sports Equipment


Building Materials - Acoustical Materials - Tapes - Flotation Devices
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Coordinates:   42°37'48"N   83°14'14"W
This article was last modified 4 months ago