SKD Engg College

India / Andhra Pradesh / Guti /
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Good college.

M.S. Kishore Kumar
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   15°4'59"N   77°38'3"E


  • very good college.............
  • Our college is located at GOOTYvillage ,ANANTAPUR. The campus is sprawling over 60 acres . well laid roads, high grown trees were developed to enhance the aesthetic charm of the campus. College established a good infrastructure of computing facilities with 1000 computer terminals and 12 servers, with wi-fi connectivity having a speed of 10MBPS
  • We dedicate and commit ourselves to acheive, sustain and foster unmatched excellence in Technical Education . To this end, we will pursue continuous development of infrastructure and enhance state-of-the art equipment to provide our students a technologically up-to-date and intellectually inspiring environment of learning,research,creativity, innovation and professional activity and inculcate in them ethical and moral values
  • The S K D ENGG college is included as one of the Networking Institutions from the state of A.P, as one of the three best performing private Engineering colleges to participate in World Bank assisted Technical . The college is revered for its discipline, dress-code, academic skills, Seminars, workshops and National level conferences and so on are part of the academic calendar. Fresher's Day, Annual Day, and Hostel Day are celebrated with ecstacy.
  • The S K D ENGG college is included as one of the Networking Institutions from the state of A.P
This article was last modified 16 years ago