Church of St Nicholas-at-Rubleny Gorod (Yaroslavl) | listed building / architectural heritage, 17th century construction, Orthodox church

Russia / Jaroslavl / Yaroslavl / Kotorosolnaya naberezhnaya, 8
 listed building / architectural heritage, 17th century construction, Orthodox church

The church of St Nicholas-at-Rubleny Gorod (1695) is located between Medveditsky Ravine and Kotorosl river. It keeps the memory of this place in its name. The church was erected in 1695. Church of St Nicholas- at-Rubleny Gorod is only church preserved of the Yaroslavl Kremlin of the XVII century. The church was built with funds provided by ship-owners and navigators whose ship-yards were disposed on the bank of the river. The architectural ensemble consists of three main parts - slender cube (the church itself) having five domes based on slim drums, low refectory with a porch and elegant rising up tent-roofed belfry. The church was damaged during Yaroslavl' rebel in 1918, than restaured and closed for ceremonies at later 20's.
Now this building is owned by Yaroslavl' Art Museum and the house of Restaurantion Workshop. No visits are available.
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Coordinates:   57°37'21"N   39°53'54"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago