Russian Church of Holy Trinity (Belgrade)

Serbia and Montenegro / Central Serbia / Belgrade / Takovska, 4
 Russian Orthodox Church, Orthodox church

The Church of the Holy Trinity was founded in 1924. It is the only Russian church in Belgrade and is served by Russian Orthodox clergy. The plan was by architect Valeriy Stashevsky for a church for wealthy white Russians who left after the Russian civil war and the advent of communism. The foundations of the temple were laid earth brought from Russia.

It is located near the Church of St. Mark.

Many church relics and a large library of rare books and other items were brought by immigrants from Russia. In 1944 some of these were returned to Russia when Belgrade fell under communist control.

In this church is buried Gen. Peter Vrangeljev, who used to come to Serbia. His last wish was to be buried in a "brotherly Slavic Orthodox country."

The Church of Holy Trinity was always packed with people during services.
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Coordinates:   44°48'38"N   20°28'10"E


  • Тут могила Генерала Врангеля.
  • восстановлена после натовсих бомбёжек 1999 года в 2007 году и освящена митрополитом (ныне Патриархом Московским) Кириллом.
This article was last modified 11 years ago