English College - Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar (Johor Bahru)

Malaysia / Johor / Johor Bahru

One of the Elite and Oldest Boy's School in Johor Bahru.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   1°27'48"N   103°44'20"E


  • is the best school i have seen!!!!!! dun u all dare to talk bad abt my school!!!!!!!!!!!
  • best school since 1975
  • wtf? if u dont like this skewl from the beginning then dont register here in the first place. Nutshell!
  • 8 years ago x student
  • Good News for English College. 4 generations students & teacher striked Gold & Silver Medals for Malaysia in chess 4th ASEAN Paragames Korat Thailand 20-26 January 2008 (Individual & Malaysian Team category) English College form 2 student Nur Fiqah striked 2 Gold Medals in chess 4th ASEAN Paragames Korat Thailand 20-26 January 2008 (Individual & Malaysian Team event category) Ex-EC's Student (now form 5 in KL) Nur Ain - Gold Medalist-Team event Ex-EC's Teacher Mohira - Gold Medalist-Team event & Ex-English college student 1975 - 1978, Ir. Hj. Shaharuddin Sidek Silver Medalist, in chess 4th ASEAN Paragames Korat Thailand 20-26 January 2008 (Malaysian Team category) It happens that 4 of us participated in a Malaysian Team for the events. Best Regards to all, especially to the Headmaster, teachers, ex teachers 1975 -1978. We are proud to be an English College / Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar's Students May Allah Blest you always. From, Ir. Hj. Shaharuddin Sidek (P.Eng,MIEM,PPA,PK, ASP/Sp 439)
  • the best school ever proud to be ECians
  • EC Must Lead!! Maktabku Maruah ku !! Hahaha.. miss you guys!
  • E.C rules!!! Class of 1987 is the best!!! My best to Mr. Harbajan Singh our disciplinary teacher!! En. Karim Bon our Headmaster!! And all the other teachers that made us who we are today!! You're the best!!!!!!!
  • Whatever happened to the pakcik stall opposite the south gate selling 'kuih pedas' still there????
  • p.joe sorry to tell you this but the pak cik selling the 'kuih pedas' passed away few years back dude. Info from the son himself.
  • all you ec boys 1985-1989 pls contact me e_pain@yahoo.com.
  • Sape sape dari kelas Form 3 1990 call me at 017-3141015
  • whose ex hostel EC please contact me 019-7451864, hakim 90-92. haqkim@yahoo.com
  • tx alot for all lovely cikgu, yg ajar sy dr kelas pertanian, 1T2 1987 sampai form 5 1991 ( 5SC B) sampai sy jadi doctor di JB.
  • ello.. spe kte gs utk ec je.. ec pn kdg2 ngn dk skewl len kn..?? cm2 gk ngn gs.. erm.. whatever.. pape jewk..
  • Sapa2 yang masih ingat Cikgu Rozali tahun 1990-91 kindly contact 012 7095266
  • Tempat aku belajar dari tahun 1982 hingga 1988. Banyak kenangan semasa belajar kat EC.
  • Kepada bekas pelajar Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar boleh log in di ecoldboys.org untuk daftar sebagai ahli.
  • wei.. aku ex-student EC gak.. tapi rasana aku sorang je tercampak jauh kat melaka ni.. Mata!! aku kembali.. hehehe..
  • the school are best in the jb
  • ex student from sarawak from 1988-1992 for those know me please contact me at 0198379408 especially for MR AZRI ALI MR RAFI MR ZAHRIN BUJANG MR FAIRUZ
  • Studied here from 1967 -1969.Had some fantastic and dedicated teachers. Great school.
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This article was last modified 10 years ago