
India / Gujarat / Bharuch /

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Coordinates:   21°46'12"N   73°0'1"E


  • pag ne guthan =paguthan
  • paguthan is the bestest village,good atmosphere,good people etc etc.
  • i lived here for one year
  • My Nanas house. Very peaceful village.
  • salam,first of all i would like to congratulate the person who have open this web site for our people,its nice to know that there are some youth in the village who are caring about village and regularly they are putting efforts to something which will help our village to progress, i am delighted,please put some more news about village and current devlopment in the village,as i am not living in india so it would be more helpful to know whats happening in our village,many thanks,asslamu alaykum ps: few pictures of the village will be appriciated,
  • Salam. This is one of the best villages I have been to. Most of my family lives here and i would love to go back soon. Also all the villagers are extremely friendly to foreign visitors. I would hope the company next to the village would make a sports facility available on the open ground in the village.
  • hi my name is babu my nana and nani passed away mama passed away too my mami is there they are too good i go every year frm europe frm holiday there its too good village people are fantastic and its hard to describe how i fill when i am in paguthan its too good
  • salam friends i want help from u i have to find out some one in paguthan so would u please help me? my yahoo id is and my orkut id is vasim pharmacist please help me. its the metter of love.
  • assalamu alaykum,after a lon while i am writing again. hope you all are doing very well, amin,,mmm i am lilttle bit diappointed that no one is taking that much care to put some information about village,i could have done this job, but i am not living in paguthan so dont know what is happening in paguthan,i am just requesting the sarpanch and his member of commitie do the needful to inform the people of paguthan about the progress of he village,what are the future plan,,what kind of problems we are facings? and it will help other people to help towards the making a fund for village,even i dont know when the annual meetings are held in uk?,because we dont have that kind of network to share information, so this is my appeal to the all citizens of paguthan to do something about it,the other day i was checking the web site for tankariya,and i m surprise the way they are doing n putting all those efforts to help the community,,,impressive, so this is my request to the people of paguthan to take action and help towards making this web bit more intresting and helpful,,,i am always there for help,,,thanks for reading and MAY AL MIGHTY ALLAH BLESS YOU,AMIN
  • ASSALAMUALKUM to all visitors. my name is MOHAMMAD SAHIL i am paguthanvasi... MR.Sabir afini please give me ur mail id on this commenets to do something....
  • Paguthan Is very very forward villege
  • Asalamolekum My name is ayu The last time i visited Paguthan was back in 1986!!!!!!!!!! I need to go back
  • salam i am sadik babar i was born here bt i am nt nw in paguthan i realy miss my parents n frend mostly zuber sarpanch and askan paguthan is realy lovly vilage n paguthans peopal ALLAH HAFIJ
  • asa bro and sisters Not many fellow paguthanis place comments on the site. I would like to hear from people living in the uk but there asli home is paguthan
  • assalamualaykum, dear brothers and sisters,elders/young,,,here once again i am remainding to all people of paguthan that plz help me out to put some information on a web site call WETPAINT, about our village, i need some one who can email me the information (news+progress) of the our village so i can put on this wetpaint site so whoever want to know about the village they can access the information, thanks
  • Salam to everyone, just to let you know that i have open a web site call "WETPAINT" for our paguthan village, please participate and add your comments/news from paguthan & abroad, you can also add pictures/videos any many more things,to visit this site please use URL= alos my friends please give this url to more people so they can access to paguthan web site,also leave your email id here so i can send the link to you,
  • I have some land in Paguthan ,is anyone interested in buying .
  • land for sale in paguthan contact ; ( )
  • My viillage paguthan is a politician nagri.Agar kisi kompolitics sikhna ho to paguthan ma rahe.
  • Salam i m azaz yusuf vadawala.
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This article was last modified 9 years ago