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Shabi-e-sanad-ul-auliya Hazarat Khawaja Mohammad Sabahat Hasan Shah
Forth Sajjada Nasheen Dargah Quanqua Shah-e-raza
Lucknow Since 2001
Son of Fasahat Hasan Shah (R.U.A.) Present head of Dargah Nabi Raza Shah, Lucknow
After describing the noble deeds and manners of inspiring personalities I felt it necessary to open a new chapter which will delight all seekers of ultimate reality.
Yes, we must see and fix our eyes upon the countenance of Sabahat Hasan Shah the present sajjadanashin of his excellent predecessors I started visiting dargah when Fasahat Hasan Shah was alive. Sabahat Mian was a child then but the period of frolic and fun never came in his life. His father left the world to settle in world of eternity. He was made head of the order and spiritual establishment. I think no one teaches swimming to the off-spring offish so happened to Sabahat Mian. He turns out to be a marvellous example of loftiness of sufis. With his serene face, with smile on lips and with delicate tone has a power to win the hearts. He understands the meaning of self denial well and very carefully keeps himself away from the glamour around. Humanity in him make him more glorified. Once he applauded my poetry in a gathering and again in privacy expressed his likeness. I in return praised his elevated sense of understanding the meaning of poetry. He said "still I know very little and learning from competent people". This he said when the flood of devotees surrounded him as moths fall in frenzy of love upon the candle. I was wonderstruck by the statement. The female devotees with pure heart, for sure, try to touch in respect his hands. But what an action!. He stretches his handkerchief transmitting his blessing in it and enough.
One who knows the grade of others is highly sagacious The son of head of Khanqah-e-Kazmia visitied him with me. I was surprised to see that how great sense of descrimination he has. He bestowed upon him the pious and costly sheet of cloth which was touched by the sacred grave of Khwaja Nabi Raza Shah. When we returned we began to have love tinged by reverance for him.
Shah Sabahat Mian has a spiritual legacy which will increase his spiritual powers as the land of his heart is highly fertile. He speaks less means more which becomes beauty of expression. As a result of his worship, strict observance of the dictates of Quran and Compulsory rules incumbant upon muslim he enjoys inner satisfaction which when exposes itself apparently appears on his pure and eloquent face which is sweet enough to stir up souls. I am sure he will rise to the limitless heights.
Shah Misbah Hasan Shah and Farhat Hasan Shah are his loving uncles who render support on every occasion to him they are also blessed by the spiritual bouties and very loving person. May they live long.
Sanadul Auliya Alhaj Hazarat Khawaja Mohammad Fasahat Hasan Shah (R.U.A.)
Third Sajjada Nasheen Dargah Quanqua Shah-e-raza
Lucknow Since 1975 to 2001
Name Mohd. Fasahat Hasan
Titles Excellent among guides
Favourite of Mustafa (P.B.U.H)
Certified Divine Figure
Alias Mian Huzoor
Date of Birth 29th Zillhijji 1374 Hijri
19th August 1955 on Friday
Begining of learning of Quran at the age of 4 Year by elite father Rahat Hasan Shah
Marriage- Fasahat Hasan Shah was married on 13th may 1982 in Bareilly as his inlaws belonged to that place. They were Afghanese and famous for their splendid nature, religious mind, and following of pure sunni faith. They were spiritually connected to the spiritual order of Khwaja Nabi Raza Shah and there had been matrimonial links as well from that family to this family. Both the families cared to save the creed which is very good to maintain. His inlaws had always been virtuous, noble, clear hearted and kind.
Fasahat Hasan Shah went for pilgrimage in the year 1997 with his wife. He was the eldest son of his father Rahat Hasan Shah and was a devotee successor and greatest vicegerant who inherited the spiritual seat of his father and performed his duties in a very elegant manner. If among the predecessors somebody has done noble deeds it affects the descendents and the grace continues to transmit itself in shape of nobility. The holy order has been adorned by the virtues of the sacred personalities who worshipped God sincerely and remained clear in their conduct, abstained themselves from the wrong and supported right. The Character of Fasahat Hasan Shah was moulded in the matrix of such glorious references. His name Mohd. Fasahat Shah signify the perpicuous language that was the beauty of the speech of the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) and of Hazrat Imam Hussain too. we get all favours from the doors of Prophet (P.B.U.H). The elegance of nature has made Mian Huzoor cloud of liberality which benefited the seekers of their spirits. Those who came to him were benefited. He made the particles of dust the shining stars and made iron as valuable as gold. He Inculcated the Islamic Ideology among his followers in such a way that so many became perfect Sufis. He possessed four Peers (guides) 14 spiritual lineages with authenticity and all refulgence gathered around him. We should mention here that we must have a clear concept that a person who is attached to a particular order and person he gets all prosperities from him only whether worldly or spiritual. So we must take in grip one hand and must remain firm and stick around that personality.
The young age of Fasahat Mian- He was only 20 years old when the burden of the spiritual commitments came on his shoulders and he performed all so well or rather we can say he promoted that spiritual system wonderfully so much so that countless people with respect and adoration became his followers. He was called Mehboob-e-Mustafa as he served Islam with great enthusiasm and always remained successful in conveying the message of goodness. Mehboob-e-Mustafa means beloved of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). No surprise we should have because this title suited to a person who had been doing a lot for Islam a religion based upon the idea of oneness of God and service to humanity. He always remained the suporter of Communal Harmony and organised during Urs a mushaira dedicated to the cause of National Integration. People of all castes creeds and color came to him and found solution of their problems. He was a very good looking man possessing winsome personality which captivated countless hearts and remained sovereign of their souls. Infatuation for Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was always fresh in his heart which he tried to transfer to his followers in order to make their lives presentable. Due to his extreme indulgence in the affairs of Deen-e-Islam and mystic practices he became guide to so many guides who respected and considered him as their Chief. This can be called the greatest achievement. He has absolute control over his self and followed the path of Hazrat Ali who is the main source of inspiration of all sufis. Treading on the path of righteousness tried to raise what is low in human beings and specially in those who are related and connected to his spiritual order. He followed well the version of the saying of Hazrat Ali who says among Muslims I am an ordinary man. Though he had large number of followers and devotees yet he remained down to earth and tried to talk to the people according to their mental level. Humbleness made his personality more loveable. He mixed up with the people with no sense of superiority. Humanity was glittering like gold in him. As a real mandicant he never thought of harming anyone rather showed love to even those who are not his friends. The courtesy that is the beauty of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is the greatest miracle which is possessed by all great men who are near to God and Prophet. His behaviour was alway polite and kindness kindles in him. His prayers were answered and so many yearning hearts forgot their pains while they came in his company. He preferred to live in the world of eternal trianquality at a very early age but left behind him the ideology and a system which will contribute a lot to the betterment of humanity.
Sanadus Saleykeen Hazrat Khawaja Mohammad Rahat Hasan Shah (R.U.A.)
Second Sajjada Nasheen Dargah Quanqua Shah-e-raza
Lucknow Since 1941 to 1975
Mohammad Rahat Hasan- Father Khwaja Inayat Hasan Shah. Hazrat Abdullah Khan Afghani the chief predecessor of this family to which Rahat Hasan Shah belonged from village "SHEIKH JAANA" Peshawar migrated and seeled in village Bhainsodi, Distt. Rampur and assumed it as permanent native place which has been generation after generation contunuing to be the native land of the tribe. The blessed tribe is recognized as the sacred clean and clear. Physical beauty, elegance of character truthfulness, respect for customs benevolence, kindness to destitute courage, true following of the commanads of God all merits become the recognizance of this illustrious family. All from this family were God loving and near to God with nobleness exemplary. His grandfather was attached as follower to Hazrat Ashiq Mian of Rampur and was conferred deputyship by his PEER MURSHID on him. He was a devotee of Syed Shah Mushtaq of Rampur. The father of Shah Hasan Raza was a devotee of Hazrat Alif Khan who was devotee and Khalifa of Hazrat Nawaz Kha. Alif Khan had followers in abundance very special among all Syed Karamat Ali Shah and Waris Ali Shah of Bhaisodi see father, mother, grandfather and great grand mohter- all make a chain of radiance, which linked strongly. One who takes birth in such a holy divine and worthy family would turn out to be a person on whom perfect achievers of the favour of God would rely and would be ranked as hermit of high order.
His famous title is SANADUS-SALIKEEN, which means according to Arabic Dictionary is a traveler who with consciousness, decency and principles proceeds forward to the destination. The system is called Tariqat which means "way" but the light of Shariah must remain in this way otherwise it will not be divine path instead it will be a way of devil. That Tariqat will be agreeable which gets the support and backing of Shariah.
Loving and getting the love of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is real mysticism and mystic achievement pious Shariah is a bright regulation. Vivid instructions are there to trea upon this path with correct conceptions and that really means Tariqat. Khwaja Nabi Raza Shah clearly declared that on who deviates from Shariah he is cut off from him and his order. In fact, all affluence whether worldly or heavenly belongs to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) "SANAD" signifies support, reliance, trust and dependence so many seekers of truth depended upon Rahat Hasan Shah and he remained support to them. He made people qualified and sagacious travellers of the path of mysticism. He turned so many to real worshipper and recognizer of God. That way he rendered valuable service the Jahagiria order.
Travel and publicizing the order - He travelled for god as his true servants do. It is customary and old work of system. No hesitation he had while he stayed in cities forests and desolates. He Scattered fragrance of divine love and Islamic faith, corrected those who wrongly understood the religious concepts and thus made then true believers with correct ideology and belief. He went abroad as well to propagate Islam and wrote letters to infulential personalities of different countries in order to manifest his ideas about the fundamentals of Islam.
Book of His life- Every page of the book of his life is spotless which emit divine light. Briefly, he renounced all glamours of the World and dedicated to divine authority the same craving, search and longing he infused in his devotees is the essence of his effort to make life presentable. According to hadith, mysticism is nothing but to make man attractive in all aspects of life.
"AHSAAN" means make beautiful. In hadith, it is ordered that worship should be made beautiful and one must think that while worshipping either he is seeing God or God kindly sees him. We find in "Futuhul-Ghaib" a book of Sheikh Muhiuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani in which he wrote that while you are before almighty forget all creatures and while you are with his creatures you should forget your own self. The words are mirror the spirit of mysticism "Futuhul-Ghaib" was translated authentically by Hakeem Syed Sikander Shah Devotee of the same guide to whom Hazrat Nabi Raza Shah was attached. He wrote seerat-e-Fakhrul-arifin and benefited all related to Jahangiria order. The prayers of Rahat Hasan Shah were granted and accepted by Omnipotent. He occupied high place among Sufis and reaching so high his rank can be of a Abdaal which mean distinguished spiritual personality whose praters are answered rapidly whose benign presence removes calamites, They have no contrast as for as outer and inner self is concerned. Administration on earth is established because of them, due to their affinity with God rain falls and their hearts are free from malices. In the light of such qualities, we arrive at a conclusion that his spiritual excellence admitted and accepted. What he said always came true.
With other merits, his wife was large hearted, amiable, and supportive pacifier of yearning hearts.
Sons- He had three sons
1. Khwaja Fashat Hasan Shah (Successor of the spiritual seat)
2. Misbah-ul-Hasan Khan (Misbah Mian)
3. Farhat Hasan Khan (Farhat Mian)
And two daughter Makhdooma Naeema begam and Faheema begam
Mohammad Rahat Hasan Shah (RA) left this world on 4th Ziqaad 1975 on sunday at Bhairsori Shareef Distt Rampur
Last congregation (Namaz-e-Janaza) was lead by Maulana Noorul Hasan Alias Dada Mian Imam of Jama Masjid).
Faqrus-Saleykeen Sheikh-ul-Kameyleen Sheikh-ul-aulia al-Haj khwaja Mohammad Inayat Hasan Shah (R.U.A) First Sajjada Nasheen
Dargah Quanqua Shah-e-raza Lucknow Since 1909 to 1941
Imamus-Sufia Hazrat Khwaja Mohammad Inayat Hasan Shah-Title-Sheikhul Aulia alias Chanda Mian was born on 22nd of Moharram 1302 Hijri. His place of birth was Bhaisori Shareef, Distt. Rampur, U.P.
He was only two years of age when his father Maulana Hasan Raza Shah expired. Behind the curtain of his orphanage it was destined that in future he will be a Mureed (disciple) of his elder brother, Khwaja Mohammad Nabi Raza Shah will be Peer (Spiritual guide). In the being embraces of his elder brother, he grew up.
According to the saying of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and elder brother is like father. Dada Mian apart from monetary supports as an elder brother as a Peer imparted spiritual, real mystic knowledge and purified self and sanctified soul and illumined herat.
Shah Inayat Hasan came in the fold of Dada Mian at the age of Sixteen Years. He was the first flower, which bloomed and first fruit, which grew in the garden of Shah Raza meaning thereby the great vicegerent who became successor of the pious seat of Dada Mian. He maintained the decorum as Sajjada-Nashin and acted just as required. He served the Jahangiria, Razaiya order strongly and accepted and in unparalledled way, that throughout the world where we find Razaiya grace it is because of him and his accordance and fruit of his labour.
His devotees and vicegerents large in number propagated the Jahangiria, Razaiya and Inayatia way leading to ultimate goal.
Title of Sheikh-ul-Auliya : - Shaikhul Aulia is a great title indicates his distinction and singularity and marks his glory. The guide of friends of God who occupy high status among Sufis hold this title. Sheikh has synonyms in holy Quran as Murshid. Terminology and dictionary manifest its meaning as keeping someone in company. This way is without fear and harmless. There is no possibility of going astray. There is great danger of going to wrong direction or slipping while indicating the destination.
Quran Says "O believers fear Allah and remain with perfect truthful people completely those who are true in words, in action and by herat. To be a devetee of such true guide and be in his company is the command of Quran authentically. Inayat Hasan Shah definitely fulfilled all requirements mentioned above. It is on the tip of the tongue of some Sufis there is a quote that "one who does not have a guide Satan is the guide." They make their followers hear this version which means on who does not select a genuine guide devil become his guide. A true path shower is but necessary otherwise Satan would grin and make him his follower. The above saying is not hadith as Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia also clarified. We find in Hadith where Prophet says one who fabricate lie and refer it to me is abode will be hell. One should always remain cautious while quoting hadith. It's a great sin to fabricate a version as hadith and great punishment is in store for such liar.
Referred as chanda Mian- Mohammad Inayat Hasan Shah was popularly known as Chanda Mian. Due to his beauty people in the locality compared him with moon and caleed Chand Mian. There is no doubt about this clear fact the family due to physical charm, due to abstention from sin and cleanliness remain incomparable and these qualities are still there in the family in each and every person vividly. The whole lineage in like sun and like moon.
Pilgrimage and humble visit at the eternal abode of Prophet (P.B.U.H)- In 1356 Hijri he went for pilgrimage to Kaba and Madina for pious sight seeing bounty which every true Muslim cherish to get. He who in sleep or in awakening enjoy sight of Prophet (P.B.U.H) appearing before his physical eyes is fortunate enough. This awakens the fate. It is precious welth than more than any opulence. It is a grace more than any favour. The plentiful effulgence of God if shows himself in sleep or awakening more and more rain of divine kindness falls on him. Visit to Madina and time and again pleasure of sight of scared appearance if one achieves it is incomparable on can sacrifice every other boon every other wealth every other benefit and every other virtue. The mentioned great boon is possessed by those who are blessed by greatness of fortune Maulanas, devine persons and noble enlightened friends of God. Shah Abdul Haq Mohaddis, Shah Abdul Razzaq Bansvi, Maulana Syed Mohammad Waris Rasoolnuma were among those blessed ones. He is best to attain such benevolence of Providence.
Presence in Mirza Khail Shareef- A true devotee is he who keeps strong connection and relation with his guide and frequent presence is but essential so that the guide may transfer the benefits well. Shah Inayat Hasan visited in the holy abode of the Peer of his spiritual guide Maulana Abdul Hai in 1339 Hijri at Chatgan Mirza Khail Shareef now in Bangladesh. First time in 1329 and next in 1338. In that shrine it was customary to make separate arrangement for the heads of other shrines for stay. Such treatment of honour was given to him. Happened because of elder brother and Peer (guide) Khwaja Nabi Raza Shah.
Shah Inayat Hasan (R.U.A) with all his attributes was a great scholar of divinity Alem-e-Rabbani is titled to that sacred person who commands respect in such a way that even spiritual heads of the time pay obeisance and give great importance to his scholarship. He wrote books to promulgate his spiritual lineage Ejaz-e-Jahangiri which is a book very fruitful for the seekers.
Those who are adherents to tha Razaiya-Jahangiria, Rahatia and Fasahatia order must keep firm connection with their guide and must read throughly books such as Shahrahussudoor, Seerate Fakhrul Arifin, Seerate Jahangiri, Yadgare Jahangiri. The mentioned books are authentic the study of Shahabuddin Soharwardis awariful Maarif from guide is but essential. The Sufis and the guides must know the answer of queries of mysticism and way to divinity.
His successor as spiritual chief- Mohammad Rahat Hasan Shah was his only son, and his disciple and ultimately became his spiritual successor after him.
Followers and Vicegerents- He had large number of followers who were totally in the Inayatia colour satiated with the water of Inayatia river. Vicegerents are less in number but significant they were. Everyone is a guiding light emitting splendor. Faithful and devoted everyone of them had strong desire that system formed by his Peer must prosper and bloom. Hazrat Ashfaq Shah Shabadi ab mazar aqdas karachi Sufi Mohammad Siddiq Hasan Shah of Muradabad, Hazrat Sufi Basheerullah of Lucknow, Sufi Mohammad Hussain Shah of Bhainsori Shareef and Vakeel Sufi Shah Mohammad Yaqoob Khan, suffi... yaseen shah karachi, suffi abdurrheem shah bhainsori shareef, suffi moh nabi shsh bhainsori shareef, suffi khuddan sha bhainsori, suffi abdul mannan shah lucknow, jnab chaila khan imam sb, suffi azhar miyan lucknow were his important vicegerents.
The wife of Inayat Hanayat Shah- The wife of Inayat Hasan Shah is buried in the premises of Dargah. She was the chaste gentle and knower of god with decency to handle household and care crowd of visitors. She was a very successful devotee of her husband. It is a matter of great surprise that wife accepted the spiritual superiority of her husband which is rare because she is generally aware of every secret of her husband, all ins outs and every bit of his actions. She had gladly joined the spiritual order through her husband which verify that the life of Inayat Hasan Shah was neat, clean and spotless.
It is because of grace of God and favour of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) that people of the same locality agreed upon his enlightment as a sublime Sufi. Since the people living near watch every conduct every action, contacts and transactions. They are doing transactions as well and keep close eye upon every book and corner of life and they were educated and wise enough to analyze the aspects of personality yet in abundance they accepted his spiritual superiority and became Mureed (devotee). No one can deny the fact that dwellers of that particular place surrendered their self and will before him and recognized him as guide. Such merits make them known as holy person. May God save the system from all odds.
Mohammad Inayat Hasan Shah left this World on 4th Shavval, 1360 Hijri (26th October, 1941 on Sunday at Bhaisodi) according to his wish and will his last congregation (Namaz-e-Janaza) was lead by very able Khalifa of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan - Allama Naimuddin Muradabadi. |