× svengali


was online 16 years ago
User level: 4
Experience points: 77275 (next level on 150000)
Rank: -
Real name: Yury
Sex: male
Location: USA / Maryland
Spoken language(s): Russian, English
Web page:
About: My ICQ is 478140688 __Attention, friends! Some group of privileged users (U2) keep BULLBAITING ME by toggling block of my account. All this started when I raised the question at the forum _ and user ArnoutSteenhoek started childish offtopic. I corrected him and then they went berserk. That's the reason my votes keep being void. Here are usernames of U2 toggling my account: 1.ArnoutSteenhoek 2. stcraftie59 3. pitr 4. RK77 5. Teresa. They are afraid of me going public about their actions and restoring my votes for their contribution in forum debates. BTW for the problem I pointed out at the forum the solution is made by the way I proposed.____Read the last post at the forum (link above): pitr wants to shut me up. ___Are you afraid of my questions, mister pitr? ___And I want them to know one more thing. They think the rank is the power, the userlevel is the power, administrative privileges is the power or maybe the money is the power. They are wrong.______The TRUTH IS THE POWER!
Registered since August 31, 2008
Votes about user: 7

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