A47 Hinckley Road (Nuneaton)

Part of the A47 road network and is situated in the St Nicolas ward area of Nuneaton. Hinckley Road has high levels of traffic filtering through. It is mostly consisted of residential houses, but however it is mostly known for the North Warwickshire & Hinckley College which is situated here. Hinckley Road starts from a point where the Old Hinckley Road ends, then from here it goes through a roundabout and finishes to a point where the Long Shoot road starts.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   52°31'43"N   1°26'45"W
  •  41 km
  •  111 km
  •  123 km
  •  128 km
  •  132 km
  •  138 km
  •  150 km
  •  285 km
  •  351 km
  •  392 km
This article was last modified 8 years ago