Guantanamo Bay Naval Base | United States Navy (en), territorial dispute (en), naval base (en)

Cuba / Guantanamo /
 United States Navy (en), territorial dispute (en), naval base (en)

Die Guantanamo Bay Naval Base ist ein Stützpunkt der US Navy auf Kuba.
Nearby cities:
Koordinaten:   19°55'55"N   75°9'33"W


  • Yankee, go home. We - the rest of the world - are sick of your wars
  • think about what the nazis have done to Jews 70 years ago. what is America doing now? shure there are no millions affected and shure there is no systematic killing. but the rest is pretty much identical! think about that, and what it means to our "modern world" and to our freedom...
  • @ The Critical: It's a detention camp. Detention for people who killed or planned to kill SYSTEMATICALLY. Detention for people who plan or planned to affect millions of people by trying to force their view onto them by force. @ John Brown: I'm sick of people like you assuming the right to speak for everyone else and over-simplify. I'm sure there are men and women in the U.S. which not concur with their governments actions. And that's just one attribute defining freedom. A freedom you won't have in Iran. Go to the Middle East, go there and try to express your liberal opinion, go there and try to say 'Go home Ayatollahs - we are sick of your repression.' The next thing WE will see is you: killed, your body mutilated and burnt, pulled on a rope behind a car.
  •  161 km
  •  275 km
  •  304 km
  •  330 km
  •  337 km
  •  463 km
  •  465 km
  •  563 km
  •  971 km
  •  1091 km