Museum Trowulan (Trowulan) | tempat menarik, objek wisata

Indonesia / Jawa Timur / Mojoagung / Trowulan / Jl. Pendapa Agung
 museum, tempat menarik, objek wisata

One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, to be found on the western side of Segaran pool. Officially opened in 1987, it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the ever-increasing number of historical treasures discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital.
Covering a spacious area of some 57,625 square meters, this new site accommodates the collection of the old Trowulan Museum, as well as the bulk of the stone sculpture, which used to be housed in the museum of Mojokerto. Among the objects on display, a few deserve special mention, notably the famous portrait statue of Airlangga as Wishnu on Garuda, from Belahan Temple; a winged figure which is said to portray the legendary king of Blambangan, Menak Jinggo; and a part of a temple from Ampelgading, Malang, displaying the story of Samodramanthana in finely carved relief.
Trowulan Museum is place to keep the ancient things of Mojopahit Kingdom. It is also a place study especially for the pupils and the students. Beside that it can also be functioned as the recreation place.

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Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   7°33'35"S   112°22'50"E
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