VIII LO Białystok (Białystok)

Poland / Podlaskie / Bialystok / Białystok / ul. Piastowska, 5
 school, secondary education
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The King Kazimierz Wielki Secondary School
number 8 in Białystok
Secondary School number 8 is the best choice because:

.: we have existed since 1st September 1991, but we matter among other secondary schools in Białystok,
.:at present we educate 836 students in 26 classes,
in the school year 2006/2007 we are planning to create classes with the following extended subjects:
.: history, current affairs, Polishbiology, chemistry, .:physicsmathematics, geography, economics
.: computer science, mathematics, English
.: biology, geography
.: history, geography
.: English, German, history
.: Polish, history, philosophy
.: biology, chemistry

* we cooperate with the National Archival Agency in Białystok, the Polish Army Museum, Białystok IPN (the National Memory Institute) Agency, Białystok University (Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Biology and History),
* we are the authors and organizers of the National History Competition entitled: 'Poland Under the Piasts' ('Polska Piastowska') for the sixth time this year,
* in the school year 2004/2005 we organized a geography competition for students from grammar schools,
* since March 2005 we have been organizing the English speaking countries competition entitled: 'One Hundred Words About the British Isles' whose authors and initiators are our English teachers,
* in the school year 2003/2004 we took 1st place in the competition for the best project of extra - curricular classes and clubs,
* our students are the Prime Minister and the Mayor of Białystok grant holders,
* for many years our students have won prizes and have been awarded many honourable mentions in the National History Competition organized by Ośrodek 'Karta" and Stefan Batory Foundation,
* in the school year 2002/2003 we won the third prize for the Best Educational Project in the National Competition organized by Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń,
* our students are finalists of the National Internet Competition 'Business Junior',
* in the school year 2003/2004 we took 1st place in the Voivodeship Chess Competition,
* our students won statuettes in the competition for the best voluntary workers called: '8 the Greatest' ('8 Wspaniałych') in the following years: 1995, 2002, 2003 and 2004,
* we are one of very few schools which can pride themselves on regular publishing of books about our local history entitled: 'Podlaskie Losy' (so far, we have published 5 volumes and the sixth one is in press),
* in the school year 2003/2004 our school got the first prize for the best integration program for parents,
* we take part in the realization of many educational and prophylactic programs.
We provide:

o highly qualified and experienced teachers,
o safety and a friendly atmosphere for students at school,
o English teaching in all the classes,
o second optional foreign language: German, Russian, French or Latin,
o well - equipped laboratories and classrooms,
o two modern computer rooms with the Internet access,
o a gymnasium, a body building gym, a recreational gym,
o a library,
o a canteen,
o a school dormitory,
o a school shop,
o a Xerox point,
o a mini computer lab for learning science.

We offer and enable our students:

o to develop interests and hobbies in different after - school clubs,
o to develop talents in the school theatre called: 'Panie Kazimierzu',
o to decide on different school matters,
o to work in the European Union School Club,
o to keep fit in different sports clubs and sections,
o to work in the journalist club,
o to win prizes in a variety of competitions and contests,
o to take part in a busy school life,
o to visit our country and not only through tourist trips.

"Don't try to bend down the course of events to your desires, but bend down your desires to the course of events - and you will be happy."
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Coordinates:   53°7'43"N   23°11'8"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago