Qiblatain Mosque (Medina)

Saudi Arabia / al-Madinah / Medina
 mosque, interesting place

Masjid al-Qiblatain (المسجد القبلتین) (Mosque of the Two Qiblas) is a mosque in Medina that is historically important for Muslims as the place where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while leading the prayer, was commanded to change the direction of prayer (qibla) from Jerusalem to Mecca. Thus it uniquely contained two prayer niches (mihrabs). The old prayer niche facing Jerusalem was removed during a recent renovation and leaving only the one facing Mecca.

The Qiblatain Mosque is among the three earliest mosques in Islam's history, along with Quba Mosque and The Prophet's Mosque. All three mosques are in Medina.
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Coordinates:   24°29'3"N   39°34'44"E


  • Qiblatin Mosque مسجد القبلتين حيث تغيرت القبلة من الاقصى الى مكة المكرمة
  • This is the mosque where Allah granted the wishes of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to change the direction (Qiblah) of prayer to Makkah from that of Aqsa mosque.
  • MASJID QIBLATAIN:iaitu masjid yang mempunyai dua kiblat.Kiblat pertama mengadap Masjidil Aqsa di BaitulMuqadis.Ketika itu umat Islam mengerjakan solat berkiblatkan kearah Masjidil Aqsa itu. Kiblat kedua mengadap Kaabah,sampailah sekarang ini,dan untuk selama lamanya. Ketika nabi Muhammad(saw)sedang mengerjakan solat zuhur dengan para sahabat mengadap Masjidil Aqsa,tiba-tiba datang perintah Allah supaya menukar kiblat kearah ka'abah terletak diMasjidil Haram Makkah. Pada saat itu juga Nabi(saw) mengikut perintah Allah Taala.Jadi sedang mengerjakan sembahyang zuhur itu Nabi(saw) solat mengadap dua kiblat.
This article was last modified 9 years ago